Hieroglyphics and gods ppt



Hieroglyphics, cartouche and Egyptian gods for art history class.

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Hieroglyphics•Over 5000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians wrote things down using a picture writing called hieroglyphics. The people who did the actual writing were called scribes.

•It was not until quite recently, a mere 200 years ago, that a stone was found in Egypt. This stone had the same short story written on it in Greek, in Demotic, and in hieroglyphics. Scientists could read Greek. Scientists could read Demotic. And now, scientists could begin to read hieroglyphics. They named this famous stone the Rosetta Stone.


•A cartouche was an oval circle with a name written in it, rather like a nameplate. •In the early days of ancient Egypt, a cartouche was attached to the coffins of kings and queens. As time went on, many people hired an artist to create a cartouche for their own coffins. •The ancient Egyptians believed that you had to have your name written down somewhere, so that you would not disappear when you died. By attaching a cartouche to their coffin, people made sure their name was written down in one place at least!

Isis Appearance: Woman with headdress in the shape of a throne A pair of cow horns with a sun disk

Isis was a protective goddess. She used powerful magic spells to help people in need. Isis was the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus. Since each pharaoh was considered the 'living Horus', Isis was very important.

Isis is often shown holding Horus on her lap. Isis is associated with thrones because her lap was the first 'throne' that Horus sat upon.

Anubis Appearance: Man with a jackal head A jackal

Anubis was the god of embalming and the dead. Since jackals were often seen in cemeteries, the ancient Egyptians believed that Anubis watched over the dead.

Anubis Anubis was the god who helped to embalm Osiris after he was killed by Seth. Thus, Anubis was the god who watched over the process of mummifying people when they died.

Priests often wore a mask of Anubis during mummification ceremonies.

Horus 'The One Far Above' Appearance: Man with the head of a hawk A hawk

Horus was a god of the sky. He is probably most well-known as the protector of the ruler of Egypt. The Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was the 'living Horus'.

The ancient Egyptians had many different beliefs about the god Horus. One of the most common beliefs was that Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris. After Osiris was murdered by his brother Seth, Horus fought with Seth for the throne of Egypt. In this battle, Horus lost one of his eyes. The eye was restored to him and it became a symbol of protection for the ancient Egyptians. After this battle, Horus was chosen to be the ruler of the world of the living.

The Four Sons of Horus

The Four Sons of Horus were traditionally the guardians of the internal organs of the deceased. Each was associated with a particular organ, and also with a different cardinal point on the compass.

Imsety He was a human headed god, who was depicted as having a body wrapped up like a mummy. Imsety was thought to protect the liver, along with the goddess Isis, which was placed in the canopic jar, near the sarcophagus, on the south cardinal point.

HapiHe was a baboon headed deity, who was shown as having a body wrapped up like a mummy. Hapy (Hapi) was believed to be the protector of the lungs, along with the goddess Nephthys. The lungs were placed in the canopic jar, near the sarcophagus, on the north cardinal point.

Duamutef The jackal headed deity, Duamutef (Tuamutef), was shown as having a body wrapped up like a mummy. He was believed to protect the stomach, along with the goddess Nit, which was placed in the canopic jar, near the sarcophagus, on the east cardinal point. His name means "he who praises his mother" or "a star is his mother".

Qebehsenuef The falcon headed god, Qebehsenuef (Qebsenuf, Kebehsenuef, Kebhsenuf, Kabexnuf), was depicted as having a body wrapped up like a mummy. He was thought to be protector of the intestines, along with the goddess Serqet. The intestines were placed in the canopic jar, near the sarcophagus, on the west cardinal point.
