Helmet and Bicycling Laws in Florida



Researcher: Jessica McAfee Writer: Kaitlyn Peterson Producer: Sarah McMullan

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Helmet and Bicycling

Laws in Florida

Sarah McMullan

Kaitlyn Peterson

Jessica McAfee

Bicyclists on the Road

In Florida the bicycle is legally defined as a vehicle and the bicyclist is a driver. 

 Bicyclists have to obey the same traffic laws as the drivers of other vehicles. 

 Bicyclists are required to stop at signs and red lights, follow the flow  of traffic, use lights at night and stop for pedestrians

Some Rules and  Recent Law Changes and 

As of 2012, bicycle lights are able to flash and bike riders aren’t required to have at least one 

 A bicyclist must use a fixed, regular seat.

A bicycle cant carry more people than it was designed for.

Every bicycle must have brakes and these brakes have to allow the rider to stop within 25 feet from a speed of 10 miles per hour.  

Helmet Laws

Most kids only wear helmets, because their mom's tell them they have too. 

Now, all cyclists under 16 must wear helmets.

Parents are happy, because more kids will have to wear them, which leads to less teasing.

Kids caught riding bikes without helmets can be given $17 fines.

The fine for a first offense can be waived by buying a bike helmet.


Wearing a bike helmet reduces the chance of head injury by 85 percent.

26 cyclists in Florida under age 16 were killed in collisions with cars

2,393 were injured - most of them head injuries.

Surveys of cyclists show that those most likely to wear helmets are adults.

Most likely to get injured or killed on a bike are people ages 10-15.

To Wear or Not To Wear?

Kids don't wear helmets in fear of looking dorky or stupid.

Some schools reward students that wear helmets with candy, toys, and free fast food coupons.

Helmet wearing has gone up due too: Pressure from parents, TV influence, and more colorful designs.


Prices at bike stores and speciality shops generally range from about $20 to $40.

Helmets at discount stores typically go for $15 to $25.

The Central Florida Chapter of the National Safety Council sells bike helmets at all its branches for about $10.

In 70 percent of police-reported bicycle-motor vehicle crashes, the cyclists involved had violated traffic rules.

A national study showed that these  violations were identified as common contributing factors in bicycle- motor vehicle crashes. 



Riding against traffic on roadway............. 15% 

Failure to yield, entering roadway midblock . . . . 12% 

Failure to yield at stop or yield sign........... 10% 

Cycling at night without lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-15% 

Failure to yield, signalized or uncontrolled intersection.............................. 7% 

Florida Bicycle Helmet Statute

1. Any person propelling a human powered device has to wear a helmet.

2. Must be on the bikes seat.

3a. Bikes are for one person.

b. Children under 40lbs. can be carried in a child carrier attached to the bike.

c. Rider must be in control of the bike to pull a child in the carrier.

d. Rider under 16 must wear a helmet.

e. Punishment: Verbal warning, citations, or fines.

4. Bikes can not be attached to vehicles. 

5a. Ride on the ride hand curb.

    1. Go in the same direction as traffic.

    2. When making left hand turns.

    3. Stay in bike lane.

b. On a one way highway stay on the left side

Works Cited

"Bicycle Traffic Law." Florida Bicycle Association. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <http://floridabicycle.org/bicycle-traffic-law/>. 

Florida Bicycle Association. "Florida Bicycle Law Enforcement Law." Fortlaurdale.gov.  Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <http://www.fortlauderdale.gov/pedsafety/bicycle_guide.pdf>.

Works Cited Cont.

"Florida Bicycle Helmet Statute." Florida Bicycle Helmet Law. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <http://asci.uvm.edu/equine/law/helmet/helm_fl.htm>. 

Septer, Jonathan. "Florida's Bicycle Helmet Law | eHow." eHow. Demand Media, 5 May 2010. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <http://www.ehow.com/about_6464541_florida_s-bicycle-helmet-law.html>.

Works Cited Cont.

Wessel, Harry. "A Guide To Florida's New Bike-helmet Law." Orlando Sentinel., 31 Dec. 1996. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/1996-12-31/lifestyle/9612271450_1_bike-helmet-wear-helmets-wearing-a-bike>.
