


About Cystic Fibrosis

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My name is NoelleI have Cystic Fibrosis

I am just like every other kid

On the outsidebut inside I

have greater challenges in my life.

I smile

just like all the other kids

I am curious I am silly

And I love to play

But sometimes it is more difficult for me

This is my life

outside of what everybody else sees!

Countless hours spent connected to my Vest

And connected to My nebulizer .

Though the treatments work to keep my lungs clear, I still feel like this is all punishment for something that I didn’t do!

All just to be able to breathe

Like you

My vest helps to loosen the thick

mucous that fills my lungs . The mucous holds in the many germs that cause frequent infections and scarring to my lungs.

But I get tired

of the daily routinethe strain of trying to do

what comes naturally for everyone else

My pancreas was blocked

When I was born. I dropped from 95% to 5% on my growth chart within 1 week of birth. I have to take enzymes with everything that I eat so that I can absorb the fats and nutrients.

Even with Enzymes

My body can only digest approx. 60% of what I eat and I often lack certain vitamins due to inability to absorb fats.

Even with enzymes and supplements

Many are unable to maintain their health through diet. They have to receive supplement through feeding tubes.

I am also at risk of developing

Hyperglycemia/Diabetes due to inability of my pancreas to make enough insulin and inability of my body to use the insulin normally

This is my friend Izzy

The one friend that But we must

I have who remain

Understands separated by

the disease

that we


The germs that do not cause

Infection in most people can cause severe and difficult to treat infections in us. One infection can lead to hospitalization and months of IV and inhaled antibiotics for us.

The recurrent infections

Create scar tissue inside our lungs. Eventually the increasing scar tissue makes it impossible to breathe. Our biggest fear is the day that our name must be placed on the transplant list!

And for many of us, that phone call will not come in time!

I have a team of specialist

At Brenner’s, which I have to see every three months

Respiratory therapist

Sandy Brim RCP, RRTPulmonary Function Testing

My Doctors, Nutritionist and Social Worker

Dr. Leslie Bone and Dr. Holly Hanes

Dr. Karl Karlson, Carolyn Crump (nutritionist), Id Norrell(Social Worker)

And my favorite nurses-outside of my mommy-of course

Kay Ashburn, RN Barbara Barreto CNA

They work hard as a team to make sure that every angle of my healthcare is kept in

checkThey are my “healthcare family”

Each year we walk for Great Strides

Which helps with

Funding for the Cystic FibrosisFoundation. Each Step we take is One step Closer to A cure!

Please join me in my fight for a cure

Not only is CFF dedicated To funding research but they also offer assistance with the costly medicines and treatments, which without insurance, would be almost impossible to afford.

Great Strides 2011


Please follow this link to donate to Team Noelle. You may also join my team through this same

link. I will be walking on April 30th at Tanglewood in Winston Salem.

Through Awareness, we understand

Through understanding, we unite

Through Uniting, we overcomeSomeday we will watch cystic fibrosis

wilt as quickly as the sixty-five roses do!
