Harvey's spag book



All you need to know about Y6 SPaG!

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Don't strop about SPAG

By Harvey

Hi my name is Spike Spagtastic and I'm here to help you.

You'll be rolling in this by the time I've finished with you ------->

Let's get started The first subject is Mnemonic

This is a way of remembering the spelling of a tricky word.

Super Mario Got it.

The next one is monosyllable

This means a word with one syllable.


NounsThere are many kinds of nouns in SPAG such as proper nouns collective nouns abstract nouns and common nouns

Collective nouns are

Proper nouns are

Common nouns are

Abstract nouns are

Where their is the proper name for the group like pack of wolfs a group of children

Where it refers to a place or thing or person by name

A object such as table chair legs

Feelings that you can't see like Bored Frustrated.

An object is a person or a thing



NounsThere are many different nouns such as collective nouns abstract nouns proper nouns and common nouns

A collective noun is a noun that refers to a group of people animals or a thing

A proper nouns is a noun that refers to a thing place or person by name

A common noun is a common thing like table chair car

A abstract noun is a feeling that you can't see like bored scared and frustrated

A object is a person or a thing

Onomatopoeia in when the sound of a word is similar to the sound of the thing its describing

Oh Yay my friends have come to help me on passive voice

The passive voice is when the subject of a verb has an action done to them

Hi I'm here to help you with the tenses

Past tense tells you what's happened in the past

Present tense tells you what's happening now

Further tense tells you what's going to happen

Here's my other friend bob

Hi I'm going to help you with personal pronouns

A pronoun refers to people ( and in some cases things )



Giving human qualities to a object or animals

Phoneme Is the smallest unit of a word

a phrase

Is the part of the sentence that does not contain a verb

Wow the incredibles are here

A plural noun is

A noun that refers to more than on person or a object

A prossessive pronoun is a pronoun that shows who something belongs to
