Happy Holidays2008 2


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Happy Holidays

Dear Friend: Happy Holidays! Here is another year gone by. A lot has happened in the year of 2008 – we moved from the east to the west, bought a house and settled in our jobs. They haven’t been easy – but I guess that’s life. However, knowing you are somewhere believing in us makes it much less challenging. Perhaps the biggest change to us is our 2-year-old Tiffany. She is growing, walking, smiling and talking! For those who haven’t seen her for a while, here are some of her pictures we treasure. I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday! Please do let us know how you are as we care!! Love, Ning, Yongtao & Tiffany

I can read….

Mummy says it’s good for me to be close to the nature, so she just put me down on a rock and didn’t know it hurts.

Not only Dad was forced to shop, but me….

A picture of us in the spring

A bad hair cut, very bad…

Can I have apples for the supper, Mummy?

That feels much better, with Daddy behind…

She thinks I am pretty on that…

It’s actually not 5 am – Grandpa was lazy to change it to Canadian Time.

Merry Christmas!