Guidance Sec&Sr Sec


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05/03/23 2


What is Guidance?• Guidance is a field of study dealing with the service

function of education. Guidance is not teaching , but teachers can give it.

• An effective Guidance Program is possible only through the co-operative efforts of school personnel and the contributing efforts of non-school personnel (including parents) and not through the isolated efforts of any one specialists.

• It is concerned with all of the child’s development, both in time ( past, present and future) and in area (academic, social and personal)

• A collective responsibility of all teachers with the help of a trained person.

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Secondary students –Points to ponder over..

• Students of secondary classes(class ix and x) come under the age group of 14-16.

• At home parents no more tret the students of this age group as kids.

• In school teachers start talking about board examination that the students need to face in two years time.

• The quantum of curriculum seems to have a clear leap, with the science subjects.

• The performance in classes IX and X is believed to be crucial for deciding the courses of study in the Sr.Sec level.

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Points to ponder over..• The home and school expect the students of

this age group to be responsible for their actions.

• This age faces the challenges of peer group pressures, cheap attractions in the outside world, boy-girl differentiation, and above all demanding home and school.

• The students of these age group should be guided to fulfill the following objectives.

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Objectives of Guidance at the Secondary school level

• To familiarize them with the academic challenges they have to face in IX & X.

• To help them cultivate study habits and follow certain study habits.

• To introduce them to the select educational and vocational courses of study available after class X.

• To administer interest and aptitude tests.• To introduce the basic components of emotional

intelligence like inter-personal, socialization and communication skills to students.

• Identification of low and underachieving students and provide suitable guidance to them.

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Activities for providing Guidance at the Secondary

school level• Prepare a class talk on “preparing for the

board examination” and deliver it.• Prepare a class talk on effective study habits.• Make a survey of educational and vocational

courses of study available and present it to them.

• Invite a practicing counselor and get their help if required.

• Refer books like Emotional Intelligence, Being OK and becoming OK and guide the students.

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STUDENTS• Students at the senior secondary classes are in the age group 15 to 18.

• Qualities of independence and assertiveness are the hallmarks of this stage. Rebelling against the authority and even against parents is common.

• Hero worship is a common phenomenon seen at this stage.• A lot of patience is required to deal with the problem of these

adolescents. • The peer influence is very strong at this stage.The highly

impressionable minds can easily be carried away by many strong influences of the media.

• The teacher has to work more as a friend rather than somebody who is in authority. He/she should keep confidentiality in each case and ensure that they feel safe to talk to him freely.

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Objectives of guidance programme for senior secondary students• To facilitate the students to have smooth transition from

secondary to higher secondary level of education.• To introduce them to the world of work at national/

international levels.• To explain the system of selection for professional

courses through entrance examination, interviews etc.,• To explain the eligibility, mode of selection for entering

various courses after the completion of Class XII.• To involve them in planning and organization of career

exhibitions and career conference.• To guide them to realize the importance of physical


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Objectives of guidance programme for senior secondary students• To promote confidence and self assessment about

themselves.• To guide them to leisure time activities.• To develop the skills of maintaining interpersonal

relationship and self adjustment.• To create awareness in them towards physical and

physiological changes.• To help them develop healthy attitude towards the

opposite sex.• To initiate them to study part- time/ evening course.

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Guidance services


Career Guidance Service

Study habits and


Dealing with Problems of adolescenceGuidance to


Emotional Intelligence/Adjustment and comuication skils

Physical and mental well being

Leisure Time


Self appraisal, self acceptance an d self


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1. Orientation Activities• Provide the fresher with information about school routine, its

tradition, its rules and regulations, facilities etc.• Senior students can celebrate a welcome day in the first

week.• Provide leaflet containing school details and list of staff

members.• Provide information about the subjects, syllabus and

curriculum.• Arrange a session for them to talk about XII board

examinations and its determining future.• Inform about regular and coaching classes conducted by the

school.• Envisage the need for attendance requirements to be

eligible to sit for board examinations.

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2.Career Guidance Services- Activities

• Organizing and presenting career talk, guest lectures etc., on various topics pertaining to the student’s needs, interest and age group.

• Provide career literature like Career Digest, Career Master, Employment news, prospectus of educational institutions.

• Arrange career conference cum exhibition in school• Invite top professionals from IT sector,MNC, Defense

and other fields and provide an opportunity for the students to interview them.

• Screening videos of successful personalities.• Encourage them to study some self motivating books.

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3.Effective Study Habits and Skills

• One of the major causes of poor performance and underachievement is the lack of development of appropriate study skills and effective study habits.

• Basic facts about memory, learning styles, study habits and techniques should be explained to students.

• The teachers can give a class talk on general study skills and ways to improve upon one’s memory.

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4.Physical Health and Mental Well being

• The children must know the importance and effects of nutritive and balanced diet and the bad effects of malnutrition, under nutrition, obesity on their mind and the body. Normally these age group neglect family meals and they skip meals and breakfast and show more interests in soft drinks and fast foods. And hence they should be guided properly.

• They are prone to depression, develop anxiety, and suffer from emotional imbalances due to the development of secondary sexual organs.

• Arrange a class talk separately for boys and girls by the professionals.

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5. Leisure time activities• Involvement in hobbies; reading, trekking, bird

watching etc.,• Engagement in sports and games.• Enrolling yourself in additional courses of study.• Attending music concerts, seminars and

conferences.• Practicing yoga and meditation under the

watchful eye of a guru.• Attending personality development classes.

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6.Guidance to Parents• Parents can be guided during PTA

meeting in developing and nurturing effective study habits in their wards.

• They can be made understood the Do’s and Don'ts in inculcating effective study habits.

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7.Emotional IntelligenceThe causes of emotionality during this stages are:• Parental favoritism and sibling rivalry causes jealousy in

childhood.• Change of roles that the child is expected to play at home,

school, and society.• Process of shifting from total dependence to independence

with greater responsibility.• The society and parent expect him to think as an adult for

which he is not physically and intellectually matured.• Conflict with friends and family members.• Fear of failure.• Undemocratic/authoritative classroom climate.• Non-cooperative peers and teachers.• Teenage romantic affairs.

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Activities to foster Emotional Intelligence

• Developing due regards for opposite sex.• Developing healthy interpersonal relationship.• Creating awareness that individual makes the

society.• Avoiding withdrawal symptoms.• Planning the ways and means of developing

skills in intra-personal, inter-personal and effective communication,

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8.Self appraisal, self acceptance and social

adjustmentNurturing positive esteem among students by:• Developing confidence in his mind.• Giving appreciation and recognition at the end each

assignment.• Avoiding negative comments.• Ensuring individual attention.• Endeavoring to promote high self esteem in him through

interaction.• Identifying the indicators of low esteem and removing them.• Conducting part time/ special classes to individuals having low

esteem.• Developing motivation techniques.• Inculcating high esteem through special co-curricular and

extra-curricular activities.

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9.Dealing with the problem of Adolescence

• At this stage, mood swings and emotional disturbances prompted by increased hormone secretion are common.

• This comes at a time of pre-occupation with self-assertion and concurrent development in self-identity, self esteem and self respect.

• Students at this age often suffer from anxiety and undue concern about health.

• They need your understanding help. If the problems of individual student are severe in nature and a professional help can be offered.

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