Growth Opportunites in Additive Manufacturing Throughout Northeast Ohio


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Additive Manufacturing Asset Roadmap for NEOhio

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NE Ohio’s Additive Manufacturing Supply Chain

Supply Chain Number of Companies

Materials 19

Systems/Systems Parts


Design/Engineering 14

Production 85

Post Processing 7

Third Party Research & Development


Workforce 19

Third Party Testing 9

Value Added 3

Sourcing 6


Part production is key regional strength

Materials and Design/Engineering are key growth assets

Several entrepreneurs making desktop printers and system parts

Software appears to be an underrepresented sector in NE Ohio

Use Segmentation of AM Parts Production



McKinsey, Wohlers 2014 Prototyping is common and widely used as design/engineering & marketing tool

Direct part production growing rapidly in specific markets

Tooling represents large short term growth opportunity

Growth Opportunity for NE Ohio: Tooling & Fixtures is Key Short Term Opportunity

Interviewed 20+ parts & tooling manufacturers in NE Ohio

Prototyping remains the most common use of AM for design visualization

Identified 14 use cases where AM can provide significant economic value creation

Tooling & fixture examples in NE Ohio:

• Production of mold inserts for tire molding to enable design complexity

• Blow molding tooling to reduce design cost

• Fixtures for window profile welding to reduce reject rate

• Thermoset mold inserts for redesign cost reductions

• Low cost thermoset mold tooling to allow capture of low volume production

• Lower cost inspection fixtures for pumps

• Low cost fixtures for metal stamping

• Low cost FDM printed inserts for low volume trial of thermoplastic injection mold redesign


Barriers to Adoption

Many clients see the value in 3DP, but cannot sustain the technology internally for a variety of reason• Operationalizing 3DP requires

investment in development• Lack of understanding• Capital investment in

immature systems• Technical issues remain

NE Ohio Market Opportunity for Tooling and Part Production is Substantial Tooling is the near term for growth opportunity, and parts production as a longer term opportunity

NEO’s strength in plastics and metals fabrication provides significant economic opportunity from adoption of AM for tooling applications in the short term and part production longer term

3 Costs and Effectiveness of Additive Manufacturing, NIST, Dec. 20144 Data from FirstResearch5,6Data from Mergent Intellect7 Data from Congressional Research Service




Obtainable Market

Total U.S. Market for plastics manufacturing, metal fabrication and polymer materials industries

NEO Total Addressable Market for plastics manufacturing, metal fabrication and polymer materials industries

NEO Available Market: Specific segments of the NEO plastics manufacturing, metal fabrication and polymer materials industries identified by the Project Team as having a good opportunity for economic impact

Portion of the Available Market that can realistically be penetrated by additive manufacturing. A recent study sized the US AM tooling opportunity at $8.8B in 2020. Ohio is 2nd in the US in tool, die & mold output with ~12% share7. We estimate a market potential of >$1B for AM tooling production in Ohio by 2020


Growth Opportunity for NE Ohio: Direct Part Production Holds Promise for Long Term Growth

60% growth rate in direct production compared to 30% overall growth rate

Two fastest growing market segments globally are aerospace and biomedical devices

• Boeing and Airbus using hundreds of parts for weight reduction, design complexity, cost savings

• Custom hearing aid ear molds and custom fit cases/ Invisalign molds for dental braces

Tech Belt use cases in aerospace:

• Alcoa and GE both produce laser sintered aerospace components

• Alcoa reported to us wide use in soft tooling, fixtures, prototype tooling for mold core casting, and even steel tooling that enabled significant part consolidation

Regional use cases in biomedical:

• QED uses FDM in production of low volume MRI coil enclosures

• Osteosymbionics produces cranio-facial implants via AM

• Cleveland Clinic uses AM for patient-specific tissue modeling and pre-surgical planning


Barriers to Adoption

• Aerospace Tier 1s cannot afford to risk use of subs for mission critical parts• AM has too much variation to

allow use of service bureaus

• Customers do not understand AM design rules – unrealistic expectations

• Closed material models by system suppliers stifle design growth

• Material availability limits growth in biomedical uses

• Use in large volume markets like automotive requires improvements in cost and productivity

Materials is a “Legacy Strength” in Northeast Ohio

• 4X the Concentration of Materials Suppliers than US Average

• More than 50% of Ohio’s Materials Jobs Located in the Region

World Class Research Institutes including

• Case Western Reserve University – Macromolecular Science

• University of Akron – Polymer Science & Engineering

• Youngstown State University - Materials Science

NE Ohio AM materials capability is mostly in polymers• Village Plastics (Norton) acquired by 3D Systems to produce filament

• Other filament makers in Chesterland, Youngstown, Brecksville (Lubrizol)

• New open source machines may provide more potential for market entry

AM metal powder capacity in Tech Belt • Alcoa, Carpenter, Puris, Additive Metal Alloys

Growth Opportunity for NE Ohio: Materials

Global Addressable Market$768M in 2015, up 20% from 2014

Polymers represent $550M, up 20% over 2014

Metals reached $88M, an 80% growth rate over 2014

Growth was largely driven by aerospace and bioscience


Market Barriers

“Closed Systems” between OEMs and Suppliers

Market Knowledge

Existing Patent Restrictions



Growth Opportunity for NE Ohio:R&D and Engineering Design Assets

Understanding of design and engineering strategies for AM wasidentified as one of the most critically needed skill sets for industry

NE Ohio is home to strong design assets

The region has a history of creating strong engineering talent and currently is well-positioned to support the specialized skills required for AM.

Emphasis should be placed on attraction/retention of industrial design centers to keep NEO-trained talent in the region

NE Ohio is home to some of the nation’s leading programs supporting research and education in AM:

YSU America Makes Case Western Reserve University University of Akron

NE Ohio is home to strong AM workforce development programs:

Cuyahoga Community College Lorain County Community College Stark State Cleveland State

The broader TechBelt region boasts the additional strength of Carnegie Mellon, Pitt, Penn State and Robert Morris Universities

NEO benchmarking against other regions of US


Midwest cluster should be explored• Pittsburgh - metals, R&D &

software assets; home to Alcoa and GE AM development

• Michigan – attracting hardware OEMs – Voxeljet, SLM, Envisiontec


Universities with strong focus on growing 3DP designers

Mfg supply base in plastic & metal fabrication with strong workforce

Presence of America Makes

Growing entrepreneur network in AM

Strong biomedical research community

World class polymer materials assets


Lack of software/IP talent initiatives

Limited venture funding

Limited knowledge base in mfg community

No major AM machine companies in region

Not enough OEM design centers


Better integration with America Makes to inject IP and provide development resources

Support use of AM as productivity tool to enable reshore and comeptitive advantage for supply base

Retain/attract design talent


Other states more proactive in attracting direct investment

Design centers locating elsewhere in midwest

Closed systems inhibit participation by materials sector

Loss of design/ engineering talent to other regions

NE Ohio Position in Additive



By 2023, Northeast Ohio will be recognized as a leader in:

Design and engineering for additive manufacturing

Using additive manufacturing for productivity enhancements

AM entrepreneurial investment and growth

AM materials innovation

Attraction of significant FDI related to the core activities of America



Next Steps

Take the survey on the website• Background• Seeking candidates for further interviews• Feedback • Areas of interest

Receive the full report upon completion of the survey

Link to survey:

Contacts:• Barb Ewing –• Tim Fahey –• Scott Deutsch –• Dave Pierson –

