Greeting Teachers at School Authorities




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Greeting Teachers and School Authorities

Prepared by:

Jahlen M. Tuvilleja

Greet Your

Teacher/ School Authority by using “SIR” or “MA’AM”

Greeting Teachers and School Authorities

Greet with a smile and eye contact

Greeting Teachers and School Authorities

Make any necessary greeting gestures.

Greeting Teachers and School Authorities

Stand up.

Greeting Teachers and School Authorities

Relationship with


Keep up with your school work.

Always keep your supplies organized.

Relationship with Teachers

Be punctual.

Relationship with Teachers

Be nice and polite.

Relationship with Teachers

Ask questions.

Relationship with Teachers

Do not bribe the teacher.

Relationship with Teachers

Taking Care of School Resources

Taking Care of School Resources

Maintain cleanliness. Throw garbage in trash cans. Use the toilet properly. Don’t vandalize. Use school properties properly.
