Greek gods, goddesses, and heroes




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Greek Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes

By: Juliana Costa-Bordun, Mikey Hollister, and Dariano Moore


• There are 646 Gods/Goddesses in ancient Greece

• There are 12 Olympian Gods

• Ancient Greece had Gods/Goddesses to explain why things happen in their lives

Gods and Goddesses

• The names of the main gods/goddesses are Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Ares, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Hades, Hestia, Poseidon, and Zeus.

Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon

• Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon were all brothers and they all own a part of the world

• You can hear these gods/goddesses’ names in video games, websites, food, medications, flowers, hotels, ballrooms.

• Also, beauty care, studios, clubs, lighting systems, machines, media, controls, railroads, snowshoes, the Olympics and more.

Greek Heroes

• Some Greek heroes are Achilles, Hercules, Theseus, Odysseus, Perseus, and Jason.

• Zeus= god of the sky. Hades= god of the underworld Poseidon= god of the sea Athena= goddess of wisdom Ares= god of war Hestia= goddess of the hearth

• Apollo= the god of sun and music, poetry, and healing Hera= goddess or marriage Aphrodite= goddess of love Hephaestus= the god of the forge Artemis= the goddess of nature Hermes= the god of thieves, messaging, and travel

• The Greek Gods impacted their daily lives by having them make sacrifices for them and gave them something to worship in their daily lives

Greek Myth

• Hermes- the Thief, and the inventor: This story is about Hermes stealing cattle and inventing musical instruments

• Greek Heroes, Gods, and Goddesses all explain things in Greek life.

• Hercules killed the Nemean lion and the Hydra



