Grade 1 lesson 4 vocabulary powerpoint



Lesson 4

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“Get Up Rick!”

poutedIf you pouted, you showed you were not

happy by making a face.


The pig pouted because she had nothing to do.

What might cause a young child to pout- getting a new toy or having to

take a nap?


Name a time when you pouted about something. Why did you pout? How

did other people react to your pouting?

Name an activity that would turn your pouting face into a smiling face.


If you ambled, you walked in a slow and relaxed manner.

ambledSlowly the pig ambled into the


When might you amble- when you take a walk or when you are in a


ambledIf someone told you that you won a contest, would you amble up to the

stage to receive your prize?

Name some places where you would amble instead of walk fast or run.


If you act politely, you show that you have good manners.


All of the animals used good manners and politely asked the librarian for

something to do.

When you want or need something, how do you ask for it politely?


Why is it a good idea to speak and act politely?

Give an example of a time when you acted politely. What did you do?

How do you feel if someone does not act politely toward you?


A considerate person thinks about the feelings of others.


The animals are considerate of Rick when they give him a clock.

When I am considerate of others, I do nice things for them.

Have you been considerate of someone lately? What did you do?


Which things show that you are considerate?

say please make a card share a cookie grab a toy

make lots of noise give a flower


If you follow a routine, you do the same things every day.


The farm animals have a routine every morning. They expect Rick to

crow and wake them up.

I follow the same routine on the days I come to school. What kind of routine do you follow on school



Which of these things names a bedtime routine you may follow?

brush teeth finger paintrun around read a story

eat breakfast change clothes

unexpectedIf something unexpected happens, it will be a



One morning, Rick does not crow. Everyone is late. The animals are

surprised because this is unexpected.

It would be unexpected for me to sleep late. Would that be

unexpected for you? Why or why not?


Which of these things would be unexpected?

see snow in winter see a rabbit flyeat lunch find ten dollars go to school hear a pet talk