Google in the Classroom: Google Groups And Sites Presentation



Presented at the Illinois Association of Teachers of English Conference 2009 in Rockford, IL. This presentation documents ways Google Groups and Google Sites can be used in the classroom.

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Sites and Groups Google for the Classroom

Presented at the Illinois Association of Teachers of English Conference 2009 by

Gianna Valentine and Kristin Dragos Western Illinois University

Preservice Teachers Chapter 1:

Chapter 1: Google Introduction 1 Becoming a Member of Google 1 Benefits of Two Applications 4 Ideas for Classroom Uses 5

Chapter 2: Google Groups 9

Getting Started with Google Groups 9 Home Page: A Brief Introduction 11 Editing the Welcome Message 12 Adding Discussions 13 Viewing and Adding Members 13 Adding Pages 14 Adding Files 14 About This Group 15 Edit my Membership 15 Group Settings 16 Management Tasks 18 Invite Members 19

Chapter 3: Google Sites 20 Getting Started with Google Sites 20 The Home Page 21 Editing Pages 22 Creating a New Page 24 More Actions 27 Managing your Site 27 Adding Comments and Attachments 30

Chapter 4: Closing Remarks 31

Google Introduction Welcome to Google, the webhost that allows you to create websites and web groups for your classrooms. Although Google is not only limited to sites and groups, for the purposes of our presentations the sites and groups are the only applications we will be focusing on. Using these two applications will allow you to integrate technology in your classroom while sustaining high levels of cognitive learning. Becoming a Member of Google Becoming a member of Google is free and the sign-up process is simple. You begin by signing onto the Google website ( Click on the “Sign In” link located at the top right corner of the screen. You will then be located to the account screen where you can enter your e-mail address and password (if an account has already been set up) or where you can create an account. To create an account all you have to do is click the link that says “Create an account now.”


Figure 1.1 The Google Homepage

You will be transported to the sign-up screen where you will enter your e-mail address, create a password, choose your location, verify the word they have provided, and agree to the terms of service.


Once you have set up your Google account you can begin setting up Google Groups and Google Sites. This set-up process will be explained in detail further in this packet.

To get started, go to You’ll see some options along the top. Click “More” and then go to “Even More.” This will open up a variety of options. This is how you access both Google Sites and Google Groups.



Benefits of Two Applications Before you begin setting up your Google Group or Google Site you first need to consider how you are going to use the application in your classroom. How you will want to use this technology will decide which application you should set up. Of course we encourage you to explore both Google Groups and Google Sites, but if you do not want to use a multitude of applications in your classroom, choosing the correct application is essential. Both sites offer themes that allow you to give your site or group a specific identity that you and your students could appreciate. Making a webpage visually appealing is important because it makes the application more personal and more fun. Some teachers may want to keep the site looking professional while others may give their students the opportunity to vote on the style of the class webpage. Whatever you feel comfortable with is the path you should take, but your options of giving your webpage personality are numerous. Characteristics Specific to Google Groups: If you are looking for an application that houses all discussions in one location, Google Groups is the application for you. Google Groups has a specific page for discussions where discussion topics can be posted and students can comment on those discussions. Having discussions in one place will make it easy for both students and teachers to see what information is being posted and commented on. Keeping track of which students make what comments is easy when it is all in one location. Searching through the posts a specific student has made is easy with Google Groups. All a teacher would have to do is click on the students’ profile in the “members” tab on the Google Groups homepage. Once the teacher has clicked on a student’s profile he/she can click on the “Search author’s post” tab and they will receive a list of all the posts a specific student has made. This is a great resource for teachers who require a certain amount of posts or comments to be made by the students on a given day. Teachers no longer have to search through each individual student’s site to find how many posts students have made recently, they can simply look through all students quickly from their own “Members” page. Grading can be made quick and easy with this function on Google Groups. Privacy settings in Google Groups are more extensive then Google Sites, allowing you to choose specific areas of the website to be private or public. For instance, you can make the entire site public so anyone can view the group’s content, but adding or commenting on the content of the site can be made private so that only members of the site are allowed to post information. This would be helpful if you wanted students to have limited access to the content that has been posted on the group, so they would not be able to change information you have posted. The privacy settings you would choose would depend on your group’s function in your classroom. Another characteristic of Google Groups that is not really seen in Google Sites is your ability to change e-mail settings. Although your Google Group does not have a separate e-mail address, it does send e-mail notifications to its members when new content is added. You can create a footer message, such as a signature, or a subject prefix, such as the class name, that will be visible every time an e-mail notification is sent. This is helpful when students have subscribed to e-mail notifications from multiple groups because it allows students to identify which group the message is from. You can also decide who receives reply messages that people may send. If you want to keep messages private you would choose the option that only allows the owners of the group to receive e-mail replies. The opposite holds true if you want reply messages to be seen by all group members or select group members. Characteristics Specific to Google Sites: Although Google Sites do not allow you to post discussions and comments in one specific


location, it does allow comments to be made on all pages that are included in the site. Comments that are made on the homepage are seen only on the homepage. When students make comments on a specific page, let’s say a page about Edgar Allan Poe, those comments are organized in that one page. This is useful when students are asked to comment specifically on a given topic, author, book, or event. All comments on that specific area of study are located in the page that includes all information about that area of study. This means that students and teachers do not need to rummage through all the comments made to find specific comments on Martin Luther King Jr. Google Sites allow you to add Gadgets to your site, making it more personal to your needs. There are numerous Gadgets to choose from, such as a weather gadget that allows you to see live weather conditions or a Google Calendar that would allow students to see when large assignments are due. These Gadgets can be posted onto any page in your Google Site, and can be useful tools for students to remember import dates or locate specific information. Ideas for Classroom Uses There are numerous ways to incorporate Google Groups and Google Sites within your classroom instruction. Below are some examples of ways to use these applications within a classroom, but the possibilities are not in any way limited to the ideas listed. Use your imagination and creativity when thinking about how you can use these in your classroom, and make sure to consider your audience. A great way to get your students involved is to ask them what they would like to include on a Site or Group. The Site and/or Group will then suit their needs, and they will feel they have contributed to the classroom instruction. Providing students with a classroom resource: all materials would be posted in one place. Students have numerous classes, all with their own requirements and paperwork. Students walk from class to class with backpacks and binders overflowing with loose leaf papers just waiting to fall into the hallway abyss. Since it is so easy for students to lose or misplace their homework assignment a class website would be a great way to keep all documents at the students’ disposal. A class website that houses class documents will also excuse teachers from having to continuously pass out numerous copies of the same assignments. Giving students access to assignments can also help students who want to get ahead. The students who have completed other assignments can begin working on new assignments if the handouts were posted on the website. Students who know they will be absent on a given day will also be able to complete an assignment ahead of time using the documents available on the class website. Teachers may even decide to have a somewhat paperless classroom if they include all documents from their class syllabus to assignments and grading rubrics on a website. Creating a classroom discussion: when students have access to a class website, they can have online discussions with their classmates over any topic. Students could post questions or comments about an assignment or text they have been asked to complete. If students are having trouble understanding an assignment, they can post a question that their classmates can respond to, hopefully providing them with the information they need to be successful. Teachers can keep track of these comments and assign participation grades for their contributions. This may also cut down on the number of repeat questions teachers will receive from students. Teachers can begin a discussion by posting a prompt question in which students will be expected to provide their opinion. Another way to include an online discussion is to ask students to post reflections to a book they are reading for an independent assignment. Classmates could then comment about why they would or would not consider reading the book. If they have questions regarding what the book is about, they would simply post a question within their response. The


student who has already read the book can answer questions and show his/her knowledge of the reading material. This is a great way for students who are shy in class discussion to show their knowledge of a given topic. Cataloging books: posting information about books that are used within the classroom will give students the resources they need when reading a given text. Teachers can post information about required reading materials that may help students comprehend the text better. Books included in the classroom library can also be posted on the website. If teachers post summaries and/or critical reviews on the books that are in their classroom library, it may entice students to explore new reading materials. Students may be more likely to read a book if they find the comments that other people made about the book interesting. It is difficult for a teacher to explain each and every book that is located in the classroom library or teaching instruction to every student, especially if numerous students ask about the same book at different times. If a teacher includes the book information on a website, students will have access to that information without having to ask the teacher. Students can also post book recommendations on the class website that may help to expand a teacher’s classroom library. Classroom book clubs: both in and outside the classroom a book club could be a great resource for students. Many students do not like to read because the books they are forced to read may be too boring or too difficult. Setting up a book club within the classroom will allow students to read what they are interested in. Students will learn how to lead discussions and collaborate with others when choosing books to read as a group. When submitting a book for consideration, students would need to present their information on a book and explain why it would be valuable for the class to read it. Holding a vote to see which book is chosen would show students how a democracy works. Having the students who submitted the book for consideration post discussion questions will help them think critically about the book and the other students who are reading the book. They will want their classmates to understand the book the way they have, so their questions will be personal and provocative. When posting book discussions on a website, it allows for the resource to remain visible to anyone with access. This way, students will be able to show their parents or caregivers what they are reading, and it would provide teachers with a great resource when choosing books to use in their classroom. The more students’ input a teacher receives on a given book, the more likely he/she will choose materials students enjoy. With an online book club parents could also contribute to book discussions while reading the materials their son or daughter is interested in. Absence resources: when students are absent the worst thing a teacher hears is “did we do anything the day I was absent?” When a teacher has posted his/her classroom materials on a website the absent student will have little to no reason to ask that question. Students will be able to check the website from home, which will allow a student who is sick to get the information he/she needs for the next day they go to school. If students do not have internet access at home, they may print out materials from a classroom or library computer. Even if they do not get the information they have missed until they return to school, students would still be accessing that information without the help of the teacher. If teachers post their PowerPoint presentations or class notes students will not miss valuable information if they are absent. Of course many teachers may be concerned about giving students easy access to classroom notes because they may feel students will be more likely to be absent if the resources are available. Yes, students may feel it would be easier to be absent if they can easily get the information they have missed, but teachers can always limit the amount of information they include on the website if the resource becomes abused. Another way teachers can prevent students from thinking they are allowed to be absent since they can access the materials from home is to have material on the


test that comes strictly from class. Teachers could only provided an outline for their classroom notes instead of detailing what was discussed word for word. If teachers only post a limited amount of lecture materials on a website, it would provide a basis of information for the absent student, but it would also mean that students would miss valuable material that could be seen on a test if they do not attend class. Examples: most students do not know exactly what the teacher expects when they receive an assignment. Some students may feel lost on what they should write or how their final paper should look and sound. If teachers include examples of their assignments, either from past students or created by them as a model, on their web page students may find it easier to begin and complete their assignments. These examples, along with assignment rubrics, will help students understand your expectations as a teacher. They will be more likely to succeed on an assignment if they know exactly what they are expected to do, especially if it is a somewhat subjective assignment like a paper or presentation. Peer editing: using Google Groups and Google Sites to post papers and comments will allow students to peer edit each other’s work. Peer editing can also take place within a classroom setting but because of time limits only one student is usually able to read through and comment on another student’s work. When peer editing takes place on the web, numerous people can comment on one students’ work. Each person who peer edits a paper will give their own views and opinions that will help students gain different perspectives. If one student misses grammatical errors, another student could identify those errors and help a student realize some mistakes that he/she is making. Links to resources: aside from posting papers and discussions, students and teachers could post links to resources. Posting links to resources will help both teachers and students stay updated with current events and share information useful for research projects. Teachers could post links that have to do with teaching strategies and lesson plans on their own web page. They could then search those links if they are looking for a new instruction idea to use in their classroom. Students could post links to websites they are using for a research project. They can add comments about their own links to identify specific characteristics they found useful about the article or website. Other students could search their classmates’ websites to gain new research resources to use in their own papers. Sharing information among teachers and students is useful in all areas of study because it helps students collaborate with their peers and instructors and it provides resources that may not have been discovered otherwise. Student portfolio: an online resource that will allow students to keep a cumulative file of their work throughout a class, school year, or their academic career. Having students keep track of their assignments by posting them to a web site will provide a way for students to track their educational progress. Not only can students track their progress but teachers can as well. If a website is made visible to all school personnel teachers can search students’ sites to see what information students have learned in other classes. Teachers can use this information to identify the skill students have mastered and the skills students struggle with. If students consistently cite sources incorrectly on papers they post on their website, teachers could identify these mistakes and teach a lesson to correct misconceptions the students may have. Students creating sites and groups: creating a chance for students to work with technology in an academic environment. Students can create their own websites to fit their needs as students. They can add content that they feel is important to their learning process. Including specific links to sources they have used in other classes or links to current event articles that they find


interesting and important will help students grow as autonomous learners. Creating a personal site will also give students the opportunity to take charge of their own learning. Unit Sites: a specific site for a specific unit would also be interesting use of Google Sites. Teachers could create a site for the specific units they cover in their teaching instruction. Those sites would include information specific to a theme, book, or author that the students are studying in class. Having a multitude of information that is specific to a unit of instruction in one place would be helpful for students who miss class, are looking for answers to questions they may have about a specific text or theme, and to continuously educate students about a specific topic throughout the unit. Having a site specific to a unit would also help teachers keep track of information and resources they are using to teach that unit. Department collaboration: using Google Sites for collaboration within and between departments is also a useful tool. Teachers can search each other’s pages to find useful assignments, assessments, and lesson plans. Comments can be posted on specific lesson plans detailing questions or comments in regards to that lesson plan. This means that if another instructor has previously taught a specific book, he/she can make a comment about resources they have used that they found successful. Collaboration will help make classroom instruction more successful because ideas one teacher may not have thought about can be presented by a coworker. Teachers can also collaborate among the different content areas. This means that an English teacher can search a history teacher’s calendar that is posted on his/her website to find the dates he/she will be teaching about the Civil Rights Movement. The English teacher could then teach African-American literature during the same time the history teacher teaches the Civil Rights Movement. Connecting ideas between classes will help students understand and remember the information they are learning.

Google Groups

Getting Started with Google Groups After clicking “Even More” from, click on the “Google Groups” option. Select “Create a group” from the right hand column. You’ll then be prompted to choose a name, group email and web address, and a brief description of your group. Along the bottom of this screen you will be able to set the privacy level for your group. To maintain the privacy of students, use the restricted access level. This will ensure that only people you invite will be able to read and contribute to your group.


Next, you will be given the option to add members to your group. If you don’t know who you want to invite yet, that’s okay. You can skip this step and continue with the creation of your group. After you finish setting up your group, you will be taken to the group’s home page. Clicking on “Home” from the right column will get you back to this page from anywhere.


Home page: A brief introduction

Provides you with more information about your group’s settings.

When you first set up your group, clicking any of these links will allow you to do what they say. Start a discussion, add files, etc. After you have some content in the area, clicking these will take you to that portion of your group, allowing you to see all of the content posted in the category.

Allows you to invite people to your group.

Clicking here will allow you to edit the welcome message that shows up along the top of your group. It will be the first thing your visitors see. (See example below)

If you have multiple groups set up on Google groups, this button provides a way to quickly and easily transition between them.

Clicking any of these links will take you to the pages of your group. If you get lost at any time, click the home link to return to this page.


Once you have some content on your group’s site, the home page will look something like this: You can click any link to go to a specific page or click the appropriate button for each section to add more content or view the content in a section. Editing the Welcome Message Click “Edit Welcome Message” from the home page and add your text. Below is a sample of how your welcome message could appear after editing.


Adding Discussions Discussions can be added to your group by clicking the discussions link from the menu on the right side of the home page. The process is similar to sending an email. Add the title to your discussion to the subject box and your text in the message box. Click the “Post Message” button to post your discussion to the group. Once your message is posted, viewers can respond by adding comments to the page Viewing and Adding Members Click the members tab from the menu on the right and you can view the members of your group, add new members or search through members. Clicking on a member’s name will bring up a profile page where you can see how that person is contributing to your group.


View a list of posts.

See the number of posts added each month.

Search through the author’s


Adding Pages To add pages to your group, click the pages link from the main menu along the right. Give your page a name and add text. For your page to be viewed by the group you’ll need to click the “Save and Publish” button along the bottom.

Clicking the picture and/or link button will allow you to add

pictures or links to files, other pages of your group, or other


Adding Files You can add files for your group by selecting “Files” from the main menu. Click the “Upload File” button and then the “Browse” button. You’ll be prompted with a common uploading box. Select the file you wish to add and select “Open.” Your file will be added to the list and members of your group can view your file. Note that a Google group does have a limit on storage space of 100 MB, which can go quickly if music or multimedia files are added.


About this Group The second half of the main menu starts off with an “About this Group” link. The link allows you to see and edit your group’s current settings. Edit my Membership The “Edit my Membership” link allows you to edit how involved you wish to be in the group. You can get updates about the group’s postings via email, and change your nickname.


Group Settings The “Group Settings” is probably the most complicated tab of Google Groups. Through this tab, you can change the group’s access, appearance, and other options.

A. The general tab (shown below) allows you to change the name, description, and group address.

B. The access tab allows you to edit the privacy of your group. You can change who can see or search for your group, how people are invited, and who can post or comment to the group. Any comments or posts can be held until the group’s moderator approves each message.

C. The appearance tab

provides some options in the look of your site. You can choose a template and color scheme created by Google or make your own. You can also add a group picture.


D. The navigation tab allows you to change how your group’s main menu is set up. You wish to reorder the tabs along the right, rename them, or remove them altogether.

E. Email delivery allows you to set up features of the group’s email. This includes adding a

footer to emails sent to group members and notifications to members if their message was rejected.


F. The categories tab allows the group to be categorized. This will allow people to search for your group according to the category it’s under. A school book club group, for example, may be classified under schools and universities or arts and entertainment.

G. The advanced tab allows you to delete your group, change the primary language, or set the group to inactive. When a group is marked as inactive, Google freezes the group’s pages, preventing any additional comments or files to be added.

Management Tasks The management tasks tab allows for you to approve or reject comments or posts to the group and approve, manage or reject members of the group. Review pending messages allows the moderator to approve or disapprove messages, comments or files that users wish to add to the group. This adds an extra element of security for teachers because they can see what people want to post before the message is actually posted.


The review pending members tab allows you to approve or reject people who wish to join your group.

The manage members tab allows you to see a list of all group members. You can see the date they joined, their status in the group and if they are allowed to post. You can also click the edit link next to members to edit options on an individual basis. You can change how messages are emailed to the member, the type of membership each person has, and their posting permission. Say for example you have your group settings set so that the moderator has to approve all messages before they are posted. Clicking edit next to a person’s name will give you an override option to change the settings for one or more people. Invite Members The last tab in the main menu bar is invite members. This tab will allow you to invite people to your group. You can send invites to individuals or large groups of people by separating each email address with a comma.


Google Sites Getting Started with Google Sites After clicking “Even More” from, click on the Google Sites option. Click “Create new site.”


Follow the directions to create a site. Give your site a name (which will also be the group’s URL), set the privacy settings and look of the site.

The Home Page The homepage is fairly basic until content is added. Here’s a brief explanation.

The editing toolbar allows you to edit, create or delete pages of your site.

The My Sites button allows you to switch between multiple sites you’ve created or are a member of.

The site navigation menu allows you to quickly move between pages of the site. Clicking the home link will return you to this page.

Allows you to search the site to find specific posts or pages.

The recent activity menu shows what content has been recently edited, added or deleted.

Comments and attachments for the page will be shown at the bottom of the page.


Editing Pages Click the “Edit Page” button from the editing tool bar. The page will seem to change slightly. You’ll be able to edit text, add links, gadgets, and pictures.


To add content to the page, click the “Insert” button. From this dropdown menu you can add pictures, links, videos, and gadgets. Click the appropriate link for the content you wish to add and follow the directions. Note: Remember to click the save button that appears in the editing toolbar after you’ve made changes to any page. Viewers of the site will not be able to see any of the changes you have made until you do so.




e” button after you’ve finished editing to finalize our changes

licking on the “Format” dropdown menu will allow you to change the text of your page.

licking the “Table” option will allow you to create a custom table in the page.

Gadgets are additions to your website, and there are a variety that can be added to your site. Google offers gadgets about the weather, current news feeds, literary quotes, games, and many more. To add a gadget, click on the “Insert” dropdown menu, then select “More Gadgets.” This will pull up a box that will allow you to search for gadgets. Once you find one that you think you may want to add to your syou can preview and resize thegadget before adding it to thep When your content is added to the page, it will appear as a box. This is normal. Finish adding content to the page. Remember to click the “Savy and make the changes viewable. C C

The “Layout” dropdown menu provides options about the layout of your page. You can change the number of columns and where the sidebar appears on the page. When you are finished adding content, click the save button that has appeared in the editing toolbar. Now your page will be viewable to visitors of your site. Creating a New Page Click the “Create Page” button from the editing toolbar. It will pull up a list of options for what the page could be.


Selecting “Web Page” creates a page similar to the home page. Selecting “Announcements” creates a page for general announcements for viewers of your site. Selecting “File Cabinet” creates a page where viewers can add files. Note: To add files, viewers need to have a gmail account and sign in.


Selecting “List” creates a list for your site. Google has templates that can be used to create lists for keeping track of projects or concerns. You can also create your own list.

Once you’ve selected the type of page you wish to add, you’ll have to give your page a name and figure out where you want the page placed within your site. Selecting the top level will put a link on the navigation menu on the home page. If you choose to put a page under another, you’ll have to go to that page to get to the new one.

These pages were placed under the home page. Users have to click the links here to get to the page.

Click “Create Page” and your new page will appear. You will have to add content to the page.


More Actions In addition to creating and editing pages and content, Google Sites offers the ability to do a lot more. Click the “More Actions” button in the editing toolbar, and you’ll see a dropdown menu with additional options. From this menu you can delete, move, and print pages, subscribe to email updates about the changes made to the page, and access the revision history for the page. Clicking on “Revision History” will pull up a menu that lists the dates and times that the page was revised. You can click the link to revert back to a previous version. Thelps to prevent people from making unwanted changes, and you can see who the last person was to edit the page.


Managing your Site Site Content Select the “Manage Site” link from the More Actions dropdown menu and you will be taken to a page that lets you manage various aspects of your site. “Recent Site Activity” shows a history of each time your site was edited. “Pages” shows a list of each of the pages of your site and allows you to switch between revisions. “Attachments” show a list of files that have been uploaded to the site.


Site Settings The “General” tab provides options to change the site’s name and description. From this tab, you can see how much of the file space the site is taking up with attachments. Google Sites are limited to 100MB of storage space. The “Sharing” tab allows you to share your site with other people as well as invite people to help create and edit your site. There are three different levels of permissions with Google Sites. Owners will have the same permissions as the original creator of the site. They will be able to change, edit, or delete the pages and the entire site. Collaborators are people who are able to help edit pages and create content for the site. They will also be able to delete pages, but they cannot delete the site. The viewer role would be allowed to view the site and make comments on pages, but they would not be able to edit page content at all. The “Monetize” tab allows you to add advertisements to your site using AdSense. When enabled, AdSense will include targeted advertisements to your site and provide an opportunity for you to make some money on a pay per click basis. (For more information about AdSense go to In order to enable the advertisements for your site, the site has to be open to the public. “Web Address” tab allows you to add a custom web address for your site. To do this, you need to own the domain name, which means that you cannot simply make up a new web address. Site Appearance This section allows you to change the layout, fonts, color and theme of your site. “Site Layout” allows you to change the positioning of where things appear on the site.


“Colors and Fonts” allow you to choose a font and color scheme for your site. “Themes” are color, font and image combinations that you can apply to your site.


Adding Comments and Attachments On every page there is a place for collaborators and owners to add comments and files. Viewers are only able to add comments. If the page currently has no comments or files, click on the small plus sign next to the word to add content. You’ll be prompted to either browse for a file to add or given a text box to write your comment.



Closing Remarks

The best way to get started with Google Groups and Google Sites is to try it out. Explore the applications to find ways you could use them in your classroom. Before introducing your students to your new class site navigate your way through the different application tasks. If you have difficulty adding new content to your site contact your school technician who should be able to answer questions related to your computer and the internet. Students are also great resources when you find yourself having difficulty with technology. Asking students to help will show that they are not the only ones learning within your classroom; being a lifelong learner is a characteristic that you can model for your students. Google is constantly changing and developing new web based technology, so make it a point to continuously check for new updates or applications on the Google website. Adding new technologies, such as a blog or wiki page, to your classroom will keep your teaching instruction updated with the newest resources. Your students will also appreciate being able to use new technologies in the classroom, especially since many of these students will have been previously exposed to these types of applications. Developing new academic ways to use technologies students are familiar with is an interesting and exciting way to get your students involved in their own learning processes. The information included in this packet on Google Groups and Google Sites is not the only resource you can use for your classroom. Technologies like RSS feeds and blogs are great resources to include in your classroom. Google has created an RSS reader and a blog site that is free for teachers and students use, so keep your eyes open for interesting applications that will create more possibilities for your classroom instruction. Other Google applications are located in the same place where you will find Google Groups and Google Sites. Take a look around and enjoy your experience with Google.
