Going deeper, seeing further idk


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“Going Deeper, Seeing Further...”- Many companies have started to use ethnography as a way to improve there company

Thursday, November 3, 16

“Going Deeper, Seeing Further...”- Zooming out and taking a look at the bigger picture was one strategy of observing consumers.

Thursday, November 3, 16

“Going Deeper, Seeing Further...”- Observing extreme people and analogous cases gave a different perspective to companies.

Thursday, November 3, 16

“Going Deeper, Seeing Further...”- Involving consumers with the company was a open up the process to the consumers.

Thursday, November 3, 16

“Going Deeper, Seeing Further...”-Using ethnography will hopefully be beneficial for everyone.

Thursday, November 3, 16

Ethnographic research- TrancenDANCE observation

Thursday, November 3, 16

Ethnographic research- TrancenDANCE observation

Thursday, November 3, 16

Ethnographic research- TrancenDANCE observation

Thursday, November 3, 16

Ethnographic research- TrancenDANCE observation

Thursday, November 3, 16

Ethnographic research- TrancenDANCE observation

Thursday, November 3, 16

Ethnographic research- Two different girls taught the class

Thursday, November 3, 16

Ethnographic research- One of the teachers struggled to remember her own choreography

Thursday, November 3, 16

Ethnographic research- Some of the people could pick up the choreography faster than others

Thursday, November 3, 16

Ethnographic research findings- Choreographer could write down the steps so she does not forget it when she is teaching

Thursday, November 3, 16

“Interviewing Humans”-Be prepared, create an interview guide to stay on topic and get all the information you need

Thursday, November 3, 16

“Interviewing Humans”-An interview has three acts: the introduction and warm-up, the body of the interview, and the conclusion

Thursday, November 3, 16

“Interviewing Humans”-When conducting the interview make sure that the participant feels comfortable

Thursday, November 3, 16

“Interviewing Humans”-Let them talk most of the time. You are interviewing them so do not start talking about yourself.

Thursday, November 3, 16

“Interviewing Humans”-After the interview look for themes and be sure to use the language and terms of the person you interviewed to represent there answers better.

Thursday, November 3, 16

Interview Guide

Thursday, November 3, 16

Edited Interview- https://youtu.be/LFh9NcneDlo

Thursday, November 3, 16

Interview Findings- Both girls enjoy TrancenDANCE but feels that they need a bigger space to practice

Thursday, November 3, 16

Peer to Peer Documentation

Thursday, November 3, 16

Peer to Peer Documentation

Thursday, November 3, 16

Peer to Peer Documentation

Thursday, November 3, 16

Peer to Peer Documentation

Thursday, November 3, 16

Peer to Peer Documentation

Thursday, November 3, 16

Peer to Peer Documentation Findings- Needs more time to rehearse

Thursday, November 3, 16

Peer to Peer Documentation Findings- Could cost less money

Thursday, November 3, 16

Desk Research, Business Sites- “Keeping Mentally Busy Tied to Less Memory Loss”- One of the choreographer kept forgetting her choreography as she was teaching it - http://www.reuters.com/article/us-keeping-mentally-busy-idUSBRE96218320130703

Thursday, November 3, 16

Desk Research, Business Sites- “Make Colleges Pay Loans If Their Students Can’t”- Two girls quit trancenDANCE because there is a monthly fee of ten dollars which is to much for them now that they are in college- https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-10-06/make-colleges-pay-loans-if-their-graduates-can-t

Thursday, November 3, 16

Desk Research, Business Sites- “For Millennials, Adulthood Now Defined by Financial Freedom” - College costs a lot of money and some students have extra money to spare to a club -http://www.reuters.com/article/us-column-money-adulthood-idUSKCN12A27L

Thursday, November 3, 16

Desk Research, Business Sites- “Is Anybody Helping Millennials Navigate Their Student Loans?”- College students are having issues with money as college is so expensive -http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-13/the-people-there-to-help-with-student-loans-are-less-than-helpful

Thursday, November 3, 16

Desk Research, Business Sites- “Saving for college? Why bank accounts aren't smart”- Many college students struggle with money - http://www.reuters.com/article/us-education-college-savings-idUSKCN11Y078

Thursday, November 3, 16

Infographic Elements-College clubs, space for meetings, fundraising, jobs for students, and fits all members.

Thursday, November 3, 16

Infographic Sketches

Thursday, November 3, 16

Infographic Sketches

Thursday, November 3, 16

Infographic Sketches

Thursday, November 3, 16

Final Infographic

Thursday, November 3, 16
