Goal-based Recommendation utilizing Latent Dirichlet Allocation


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Results & Findings

Goal-based messages Recommendationutilizing Latent Dirichlet Allocation

Sébastien Louvigné, Yoshihiro Kato, Neil Rubens, andMaomi Ueno

Graduate School of Information SystemsThe University of Electro-Communications

Tokyo, Japan

Jul 8, 2014

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings


1 IntroductionLearning Goal & PurposeProblem StatementProposed research

2 MethodologyGoal-based DataGoal & Purpose RecommendationImplementation

3 Results & FindingsLDA resultsPerplexityLearners EvaluationDiscussion

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

Learning Goal & PurposeProblem StatementProposed research

Goals for Learning

Goal enhances Learning

Providing a sense of direction to attain speci�c standards.

Critical motivator (personal emotions, beliefs).

(Schunk et al. 2002)

Goal orientations

Refer to purposes for engaging in achievement tasks.

(Pintrich, 2003)

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

Learning Goal & PurposeProblem StatementProposed research

Goal & Purpose


1 Goal: terminal point towards which action is directed (e.g.�master a language�).

2 Purpose: provides the psychological force to attain a goal(i.e. reasons for learning).

Goals � e�cient when linked with learner's needs (purpose forlearning).

Learners have di�erent purposes (conceptual perceptions).

Goal orientations have di�erent e�ects on intrinsicmotivation.

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

Learning Goal & PurposeProblem StatementProposed research

Problem Statement

�Why learning?�

Highly structured education � Syllabus states objectives.

Learners have their own conceptions � Often unrelated withformal education.

Goal Orientation should be set properly

Risk of con�ict / discouragement / harm intrinsic motivation.

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

Learning Goal & PurposeProblem StatementProposed research

Goal Theory

Goal Setting

Goal properties in�uencing learning performance and intrinsicmotivation (Locke & Latham, 1990; Zimmerman et al. 1992; Bekele, 2010).

Self-set goals often motivate better than assigned goals.

Goal orientations

Mastery goals (internal) vs. Performance goals (external)(Ames, 1992).

Task involvement vs. Ego involvement (Nicholls, 1979).

Approach / Avoidance distinction (Elliot, 1997).

Personal goals

Focusing on Personal conceptions (Self theories).

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

Learning Goal & PurposeProblem StatementProposed research

Proposed approach

This research: Using Social Context for motivation

Sharing goal orientation (goal content + purpose) with others.

Adopting new purposes for learning.

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

Learning Goal & PurposeProblem StatementProposed research

Research purpose

Research Question

How to use Social Networks (i.e. peers) to improvelearning motivation?


Learners enhance motivation by observing goal purposes fromother peers.

Diversity of goal purposes a�ects learners' motivation.

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

Learning Goal & PurposeProblem StatementProposed research

Proposed System

Recommendation System

Diversity of Learning Purposes from peers.

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

Learning Goal & PurposeProblem StatementProposed research

Learning in Social Settings

Previous works

Social Cognitive Theory

Knowledge acquisition by observing others (Bandura, 1988).

Social constructivism

Groups of learners construct knowledge collaboratively(Vygotsky, 1978).

Cognitive apprenticeship

Modelling, Sca�olding, Re�ecting knowledge (Collins, 2006).

This research: enhance motivation

Using peers' motivational contents to enhance purpose forlearning.

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

Goal-based DataGoal & Purpose RecommendationImplementation

Largescale Dataset

Social Media: Twitter

Short text messages

Metadata (e.g. user pro�le, social network)

Large amount of data publicly available

(Louvigné et al. 2012; Shi & Louvigné, 2014)

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

Goal-based DataGoal & Purpose RecommendationImplementation

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

Probabilistic model for collections of discrete data (Blei et al. 2003)

α : Dirichlet parameter prior on

per-document topic distribution

β : Dirichlet parameter prior on

per-topic word distribution

(Asuncion et al. 2009)

Documents: Mixture of topics

Full conditional: P(zi = j |z−i ,w) ∝n(wi )−i ,j +β

n(.)j +Wβ

(n(di )−i ,j +α)

Dirichlet: φ̂(w)j =

n(w)j +β

n(.)j +Wβ

(Gri�ths & Steyvers. 2004)

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

Goal-based DataGoal & Purpose RecommendationImplementation

Data Organization

How to use the database (goal + purpose)

LDA: Find various goals & purposes within a same learningsubject.

Probability distribution: message belonging to a �topic�.

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

Goal-based DataGoal & Purpose RecommendationImplementation

Goal-based Recommendation


Recommending Learning Purpose messages based on:

Similarity: similar goal.Diversity: various purposes.

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

Goal-based DataGoal & Purpose RecommendationImplementation

User Interface

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

Goal-based DataGoal & Purpose RecommendationImplementation

Goal Pro�le

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

LDA resultsPerplexityLearners EvaluationDiscussion

LDA results

Finding various �topics�

Diverse topics within dataset of goal-based Twitter messages

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

LDA resultsPerplexityLearners EvaluationDiscussion


Finding optimal number of topics

Di�erent optimal number of topics for each learning subject.

Not related with number of messages.

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

LDA resultsPerplexityLearners EvaluationDiscussion

Goal attributes for Motivation Evaluation

Goal-Setting: Attributes in�uencing learning andperformance (Locke, 1990; Zimmerman et al. 1992; Bekele, 2010).

Goal attributes

Leading eventually to personal satisfaction (Ful�llment).

Ful�llment and achievement motivation: importantsuccess factors in learning.

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

LDA resultsPerplexityLearners EvaluationDiscussion

Goal attributes evaluation

Before peers' messages observation

High perception: Importance, attainability, di�culty.

Low perception: Commitment, performance, ful�llment,con�dence.

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

LDA resultsPerplexityLearners EvaluationDiscussion

Goal attributes evaluation

After observation

Similarity: slight increase in learner's perception of goalattributes.

Diversity: higher increase in speci�city and commitment,decrease for di�culty.

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

LDA resultsPerplexityLearners EvaluationDiscussion


Using Social Context to enhance learning motivation

1 Observing goal purposes from peers.

Adopt new purposes.

2 Diversity of goal purposes.

A�ect intrinsic motivation.


LDA for learning purposes recommendation

Various topics (i.e. purposes) for a same learning subject (i.e.mastery goal).

Observing goal purposes from peers

Similarity: con�rms learner perception on goal,Diversity: improve speci�city, commitment.

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

LDA resultsPerplexityLearners EvaluationDiscussion

Future works


e.g. Short text analysis, Including grammatical features

Motivation evaluation

Long term experiment�Free choice�Evaluation from peers

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

LDA resultsPerplexityLearners EvaluationDiscussion


E. A. Locke (1996), �Motivation through conscious goal setting�. Applied &Preventive Psychology.

D. H. Schunk, J. L. Meece, and P. R. Pintrich (2002), �Goals and GoalOrientations�. Motivation in Education: Theory, Research, and Applications.

P. R. Pintrich (2003), �A Motivational Science Perspective on the Role of

Student Motivation in Learning and Teaching Contexts� . Journal of EducationalPsychology.

E. A. Locke, and G. P. Latham (2002), �Building a practically useful theory of

goal setting and task motivation: A 35-year odyssey�. American Psychologist.

D. M. Blei, A. Y. Ng, and M. I. Jordan (2003), �Latent Dirichlet Allocation� .Journal of Machine Learning Research.

T. L. Gri�ths, and M. Steyvers (2004), �Finding scienti�c topics�. Nationalacademy of Sciences of the United States of America.

S. Louvigné, N. Rubens, F. Anma, and T. Okamoto (2012), �Utilizing Social

Media for Goal Setting based on Observational Learning� . IEEE Icalt 2012.

J. Shi, and S. Louvigné (2014), �Goal-Setting and Meaning-Making in Mined

Dataset of Tweets Using SFG Approach�. Journal of Electrical Engineering.Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.


Results & Findings

LDA resultsPerplexityLearners EvaluationDiscussion

Thank you

Sébastien Louvigné (louvigne@ai.is.uec.ac.jp) - UEC Tokyo IEEE - ICALT 2014. Athens, Greece.
