Global Warming


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Prepared by Charlie, Jose, Natalia

Global Warming


! Terminology! History ! Causes! Hottest Temperature Records! Effects! Economic impacts! Solutions! Predictions! Recent News


! What is Global Warming ??

Global Warming is defined as an increase in the Earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution


Global land and sea temperature changes in the past 1860 to 1900, the average global temperature was increased by 0.75℃.Since 1979, the land temperature has increased around 2 times than the sea temperature

Hottest Temperature Records

! In 2003, UK got 38.5 °C (101.3 °F) France got 44.1 °C (111.4 °F)

! In 2007, Slovakia reached 40.3 °C (104.54 °F) Japan got 40.9 °C (105.62 °F)


! Excess Greenhouse GasesPollutionDeforestation



! Air pollution is human-cased. mainly from our daily activities

! Industrial pollution

Causes - Deforestation

! Deforestation refers to the conversion of forested areas to non-forest land for use in tropical countries.For example arable land, pasture, urban use.


! Tourisme

! Global sea level rise

! Agriculture

! Wars

! Diseases

Economic impacts

! Cites have loss of gross domestic product for developing countries due to global warming.

! Moreover, China’s agricultural output will decline by 37% over the next 50 years.


! Answer to the problem can be summed in one line; ‘Reduce carbon and green house gas release in the atmosphere before it’s too late’. Stop dependency on fossil fuels and look out for renewable energy which can be substituted for the energy needs.


Daily life

! Run your dishwasher only with a full load

! Buy products with less packaging and recycle paper, plastic and glass.

! Even when electronic devices are turned off, they use energy.

! Turn your engine off if you must wait for more than 30 seconds

! Buy Products Locally

Predictions! Natural climate variations in the North Atlantic and tropical Pacific temporarily offset the projected anthropogenic warming. ! However world in 2100 is characterized by large population (15 billion), high total energy use, and moderate levels of fossil fuel dependency (mostly coal).

Current News

! Arctic sea ice drops to 2nd lowest level on recordMore threatening signs, Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean is at its second lowest level in about 30 years.

! Global warming time bomb trapped in Arctic soil:

studyClimate change could release unexpectedly huge stores of carbon dioxide from Arctic soils, which would in turn fuel a vicious circle of global warming, a new study.

! Nation's First Wood Key Card to Debut in Hotels During the Democratic NationalMore than 70,000 biodegradable key cards will be used in Denver hotels, reinforcing green convention theme and greatly reducing

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