Global technologyreport




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2. GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY TREND REPORT In line with our commitment to keep professionals in Technology up to date with employment and recruitment trends, in April 2013 Morgan McKinley conducted international research with its consultants in eight markets. While the responses varied between these markets, it is possible to draw some overall conclusions; The mood is cautiously positive half of the eight markets see the situation as improving, the other half see no discernible change. None say that things are getting worse Overwhelmingly, recruitment is focused equally on replacement and new hires Economic uncertainty is a factor in most markets nobody is quite sure if the economy has turned the corner or will dip back into recession Structural change in the IT landscape is a factor in several markets but in general, these are stimulating rather than depressing demand Overall, recruitment budgets are static or declining Mobile is currently the top specialist area driving demand, though not in all markets and its influence is expected to diminish in the future. Big data and analytics, traditional on-premise ERP and data centre management are also among the most sought-after specialist areas Social media is not an important driver of demand within IT Cost saving is the main factor depressing demand Cloud computing is not having a major impact on recruitment in most markets Project management is an important skill for candidates almost everywhere Organisational change is a key driver of demand In the majority of markets our consultants believe that candidates will become more proactive in seeking jobs over the next six months and beyond In this report we have provided a more detailed description of the trends we have observed in each of our markets and we hope this gives you some further insight. 1 QUICK LINKS AUSTRALIA...............................................2 CHINA.......................................................3 FRANCE.....................................................4 HONG KONG..........................................5 IRELAND...................................................6 JAPAN........................................................ 7 SINGAPORE.............................................8 UNITED KINGDOM................................9 3. AUSTRALIA GETTING BETTER AS COMPANIES STRIVE TO IMPROVE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE The market in Australia shows signs of picking up, driven by structural changes in the IT landscape and the need to improve customer experience via digital and mobile channels. A striking feature of the Australian market impacting on recruitment patterns is the delay in the uptake and roll-out of Windows 7. One of our consultants says, Many organisations will be cutting it very fine in terms of ensuring they have upgraded before Microsoft switches off support for earlier releases. Economic uncertainty is also a strong influencing factor, with budget approvals being given or withheld depending on the current mood and the business case. Where the business case is strong and immediate (for example mobile implementations, customer experience, digital and online, productivity initiatives) budgets are getting the go- ahead. Conversely, budgets are often being slashed in areas such as infrastructure and application upgrades such as the roll-out of Windows 7. There is clearly an increasing demand for digital and mobile architects and project managers who have a proven understanding of how to increase customer satisfaction and enhance customer experience to optimise revenues. There is adequate local supply to meet demand.To succeed, candidates need to understand and communicate their value proposition. In order to differentiate yourself in this competitive market you need to clearly demonstrate the value that you have added to the organisations that you have worked with. Ideally this value should be quantifiable and tied to a result which created revenue, cut costs or boosted productivity, our consultants advise. In Australia, Morgan McKinley focuses on senior IT appointments and we observe that Chief Information Officers still come mainly from the IT function. At the general IT executive level, there is a trend towards hiring or promoting IT professionals that have a strong sector or product alignment experience. For example, it is not uncommon to hire a digital media guru with a non-financial services background to head up a digital practice within a financial services company. An MBA or similar business qualification is a huge asset when trying to land a senior IT role. THE BOTTOM LINE CAREER MOVERS Simply stating achievements without tying them to a tangible value is no longer enough. Understand and communicate your value proposition. Work with your career ally to restructure your CV around this proposition and learn how to market yourself effectively at interview. RECRUITING EMPLOYERS Delaying upgrades in order to cut recruitment budgets will turn out to be a false economy in most cases.There is some excellent talent out there and it is worth your while to work with a strategic partner who will focus on delivering candidates who offer best value and potential for growth within your organisation. Candidates and employers should take a long-term view of business value, customer experience and growth potential. TOP FACTORS DRIVING TRENDS Structural changes in the IT landscape Focus on customer experience Economic uncertainty 2 4. NO DISCERNIBLE CHANGE The current mood of economic uncertainty makes it hard to draw any hard conclusions on recruitment trends in China. In some areas budgets are increasing and in others they are static or declining. Desire to cut costs is certainly having an overall impact on the market. On the whole, candidates will prefer to stay put and ride out the current economic situation. Specialist roles currently driving demand for talent in IT include mobile technologies and business process re-engineering/rationalisation. However, longer term interest in mobile is expected to subside and more attention will be directed to filling roles in traditional on-premise ERP. Candidates with SAP knowledge and skills will be in demand for the foreseeable future. It is the services sectors that are driving strongest demand. In this difficult market, candidates looking to take the next step in their careers are advised to improve their vertical sector knowledge and to develop their skills in project management. Employers are also emphasising the need for good communications skills in both Mandarin and English, alongside strong technical skills. CAREER MOVERS Improve your technical, project management and communication skills if you wish to move ahead in a competitive marketplace. Your career ally will help you identify your skills and weaknesses. THE BOTTOM LINE RECRUITING EMPLOYERS Its a buyers market with an adequate local talent pool but this situation will not last forever. Project management and communication skills are highly valued, alongside strong technical knowledge. TOP FACTORS DRIVING TRENDS Economic uncertainty Economic downturn Declining or static recruitment budgets CHINA 3 5. FRANCE In France economic uncertainty and static or declining recruitment budgets have deterred strong candidates from coming forward over the past few months. Most recruitment is for replacement headcount. However, there is strong demand for candidates with skills and experience in mobile technologies, together with specialists in business process re-engineering and IT rationalisation. Within vertical sectors there is especially strong demand from manufacturing companies and demand is expected to pick up in service sectors. It has been difficult to source strong candidates but the signs are that this may change over the coming year, says one Morgan McKinley consultant in Paris. Now is a good time for strong candidates to seize the opportunities that are out there. In particular, employers are on the look-out for candidates with a high level of education, ideally graduates from engineering schools or with a university Masters degree. Even though experience is also very important, French companies are always looking for candidates with an excellent education, and indeed, French schools equip their students with the right skills, says our consultant. Candidates with skills in Ubisoft, Dassault Systmes, Microsoft, Oracle and SAP are much sought after. IT professionals aiming for senior positions must broaden their horizons. Generally speaking, a companys Chief Information Officer comes from within IT (IT is very strategic for companies today, and although it is essential to have a good grasp of the business strategy, a CIO must bring technical solutions and a deep knowledge of the function). Senior IT managers must also keep an eye on the new technologies to remain competitive and employable, in order to be able to manage new talents effectively. OPPORTUNITIES FOR STRONG CANDIDATES THE BOTTOM LINE CAREER MOVERS Do not be put off by the current economic uncertainty.The best way to improve your chances is to review your situation with your career ally on a regular monthly basis. Hone your skills and keep an open mind about new opportunities as they arise. RECRUITING EMPLOYERS You may have been disappointed by the quality of candidates coming forward in 2012. But the signs are that over the next year quality candidates will be more proactive in seeking new employers. French companies are always looking to recruit people with an excellent education. 4 TOP FACTORS DRIVING TRENDS Declining or static recruitment budgets Economic uncertainty Creation of talent resources centres in large companies Tight recruitment budgets 6. HONG KONG THE BOTTOM LINE CAREER MOVERS The lengthy recruitment processes can be frustrating, especially when you know that your prospective employer needs your skills! The answer is to be patient; your career ally will provide comprehensive details on the employer and the interviewer and will prepare you accordingly. RECRUITING EMPLOYERS Clearly there is a local talent shortage but there is a pool of high-quality professionals, particularly in Europe, who are looking for a move. Companies prefer to recruit internally for senior positions but there is a skills shortage especially in the new- generation technologies like mobile. TOP FACTORS DRIVING TRENDS Lack of local talent Economic uncertainty Structural change in the IT landscape 5 INADEQUATE LOCAL SUPPLY CREATES OPPORTUNITIES The recruitment market is picking up in Hong Kong and the talent shortage is creating opportunities for good candidates. There is particularly strong demand for IT professionals with specialist skills in mobile technologies, data centre management, social media, IT security and business process re-engineering; the main source of this demand is currently the financial services sector. Given the current economic conditions and the talent shortage, senior IT managers are challenged to drive down costs while maximising outcomes. Cloud computing, virtualisation and standardisation, outsourcing and offshoring are all responses to this conundrum. On the other hand, CIOs are constantly debating the efficiency of outsourcing strategies and often prefer to retain control over development through in-sourcing. In these circumstances, companies are finding it difficult to reach decisions quickly and the hiring process can be lengthy.This can be frustrating for candidates but our advice is to hang on in there and rely on your career ally to see you through. We have one candidate who had been waiting for our clients approval for more than nine months. During the process, we managed his resignation from his previous role and through a short term contract until the approval finally came through, a Morgan McKinley consultant in Hong Kong reports. The talent shortage is causing many companies to recruit from abroad and in particular from Europe, while many functions are being outsourced. Multinational organisations are constantly on the lookout for recruitment process outsourcing opportunities for technology resources, according to the same consultant. Mobile and online technologies are really hot at the moment and companies looking to recruit should consider overseas talent. Skills and qualifications that are in demand and will boost a candidates chances to move forward include PMP in the project management sphere. IT professionals seeking to move forward in development roles are advised to pursue web- based and mobile technologies such as Flex, Ruby, Python and PHP. CISA/CISSP will be very helpful for candidates who would like to pursue opportunities in IT security. 7. IRELAND LOOKING FOR OVERSEAS TALENT There are very positive signs that the Irish economy is coming back to life. With strong inward investment from companies looking to locate their IT operations in Ireland, there is a growing skills shortage. In particular, employers are seeking developers and quality assurance (QA) engineers for software and online development projects. We have noticed an interest in training courses in development methodologies such as scrum, as well as online technologies. Experts in mobile technologies and data centre management are also keenly sought after and there is a growing interest in big data and analytics. If you want to get ahead in IT then you should focus on the online areas, whether it be analytics or development, as online will drive the sector in the short to medium term, according to one of our Dublin-based consultants. A surprising recent trend has been the sharp increase in demand for user interface and user experience (UI and UX) professionals. Candidates with knowledge of Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, SAP and Citrix are in demand. Consequently there are big opportunities for IT professionals based elsewhere in Europe. Ireland is still playing catch-up with regards to education in technology; while the country has produced many high quality graduates, employers tell us that there is a shortage of well-rounded candidates who can focus on design issues in software development, something which is now being addressed with new courses such as Dublin City Universitys BSc in Problem Solving and Software Development. However, the window of opportunity for graduates from elsewhere in Europe is unlikely to close in the foreseeable future. The pursuit of overseas talent also applies to senior positions. Companies increasingly prefer to attract new talent from outside the organisation, our consultant adds. To address shortages in finding experienced talent in the short to medium term, employers in Ireland may need to look beyond the European Union. Irelands ability to provide a fast and efficient work- visa processing system for highly skilled technology candidates will be critical to Irelands position as a global technology hub. In the short to medium term, Irelands ability to attract talent from across the EU and beyond will be critical to its position as a global technology hub. THE BOTTOM LINE CAREER MOVERS There are plenty of opportunities for people with the right mix of IT skills. If you can add to that an ability to solve problems and lead development projects, the skys the limit. RECRUITING EMPLOYERS Talent is scarce so explore all options from all sources. Also, be aware that there is a new generation of locally educated talent coming through. TOP FACTORS DRIVING TRENDS Lack of qualified local talent Increased inward investment Structural changes to the IT landscape 6 8. JAPAN SIGNIFICANT SURGE IN DEMAND IN VERTICAL SECTORS Modernisation and inward investment in the pharmaceutical, medical, insurance and retail industries is driving a significant surge in demand for IT professionals in Japan. In particular, there is a strong demand for business analysis and project management roles that serve as a link between IT (which may be offshored) and local business users. In addition, professionals with skills and experience in traditional on-premise ERP and in regulatory compliance are much sought after. There is inadequate local supply to meet this demand so companies are looking overseas, although there is a strong preference to repatriate Japanese nationals who are currently working abroad. SAP, Oracle E-Business Suite and MS Dynamics are key software competencies currently in demand. In short, if you are Japanese, young and bilingual and are looking to take a major leap forward in your career, learn project management and SAP and head back to Japan! In Japan, it is expected that IT skills are picked up on the job, Japanese companies tend to recruit bilingual professionals with social science degrees and then train them. On the other hand, in some areas demand is still being depressed by the desire to cut costs. Unfortunately, many companies whose corporate HQs are overseas still do not understand the high costs of doing business in Japan, says one of ourTokyo-based consultants. In the past we saw many CIOs coming from non-technology areas. However, as IT has developed into more of a strategic IT function, today there is quite a good pipeline of senior level candidates coming from within IT itself. If you are Japanese, young and bilingual then learn project management and SAP. THE BOTTOM LINE CAREER MOVERS There are major opportunities if you have the right blend of skills. RECRUITING EMPLOYERS Set yourself the right expectations; finding the right people will not always be easy.Try to accelerate the hiring process with the help of a local expert. TOP FACTORS DRIVING TRENDS Upswing in demand in key verticals Lack of local qualified talent Structural change in the IT landscape 7 9. SINGAPOREOPPORTUNITIES FOR LOCAL TALENT THE BOTTOM LINE CAREER MOVERS Do what it takes to get ahead. And if you are wondering what that is, speak to a career ally who can set you on the right path. If you are a highly motivated Singaporean, the opportunities are there. RECRUITING EMPLOYERS Its understandable if your preference is to employ a local but consider other options it could make your organisation more agile. Seek assistance to identify and recruit leaders in new technology areas such as analytics it could be key to your organisations future competitiveness. Singapore-based companies would like to employ local talent but there is insufficient supply. Yet in many sectors they are unwilling to consider looking abroad, the exception being financial services companies, which are often prepared to consider candidates from Europe or the USA. Increasingly, companies are relying on IT vendors to fill the gaps and are moving towards direct sourcing. So how can you get ahead in this situation? As the market for talent gets tighter, dynamic candidates who have pushed to get involved in exciting projects will stand out.There is a big demand for local (i.e. Singaporean Chinese) candidates who present and communicate effectively; they are often difficult to find but they will always secure a good role if they come forward. I know local candidates who have taken elocution lessons in order to get ahead, according to one of our consultants in Singapore. Candidates are also advised to get the best formal qualifications, such as PMP for project management. SAP and Oracle are probably the most in-demand software competencies. At senior levels of the organisation, up to CIO, appointments are typically made internally, sometimes from outside the IT function (change management, finance etc).This can have its advantages but the downside is that Singapore-based companies are sometimes slow to embrace new technology trends, because there are fewer leaders bringing in new ideas. For example, cloud computing is a massive buzzword at the moment but the uptake is not great. Likewise, client companies often know that analytics and big data are hot topics but do not know where to start and need help to identify and recruit talent. The hottest candidate is a local with technical expertise and great communications skills. Such a candidate will always land a good position. TOP FACTORS DRIVING TRENDS Economic uncertainty Static or declining recruitment budgets Lack of local supply 8 10. UNITED KINGDOM BIG DATA IS THE BIG STORY In the UK the current hot topics in IT are big data, data quality and open source technologies. Candidates with skills in these areas are likely to find good positions regardless of the current economic uncertainty.The IT landscape is changing, with a focus on analytics and regulatory compliance. Surprisingly, mobile technologies do not loom large as a specialist competence demanded by UK companies. Across the board, the biggest concern for large companies today is to get a grip on their data. Within investment banks there is still a degree of caution, as they watch each other to see who is going to take the lead in what is an uncertain environment. In the past, we have seen that when one company increases headcount to build market share, the competition quickly follows. The funds are still there but new headcount sign-off has proved elusive. Areas within financial services where we have seen increased activity include data architecture, mapping, governance and migration due to continued pressure to meet regulatory and compliance standards. Several reputed consulting organisations are taking a new strategic direction towards digital, mobile and big data. One of these is increasing its UK Digital practice from 120 to a 2015 headcount of 400.The Big Four are also driving similar levels of growth in digital. These are not companies you would associate with everything cool and funky in the IT industry but this is the new landscape in which we are operating, says one of our UK consultants. In order to stand out from the competition, candidates should seek to gain experience or training in project management the Prince2 qualification is highly valued and in fast-track development methodologies such as agile. Overall there are considerable grounds for optimism as companies embrace new approaches. However, one other big trend, cloud computing, is tending to depress demand for IT professionals at the moment. Recruitment budgets are static or declining. Many companies would prefer to retrain rather than recruit, in particular where the technology ecosystem is evolving, says a London-based consultant.They will typically only look at candidates if they have the most relevant and up-to-date experience. If you worked with a piece of technology three years ago, thats helpful, but not as helpful as if you have worked with every new release since. He adds a further interesting development; the HR function is having the final say in many recruitment decisions within major investment banks. To land a job you must get HR buy-in as well as that of the executive director. CAREER MOVERS Focus on big data analytics and open source technologies and acquire skills in project management and development methodologies. Be aware that to land a great job, its not enough to have the requisite IT skills. You also need to convince HR. THE BOTTOM LINE RECRUITING EMPLOYERS Candidates are becoming more proactive in retraining and seeking new employers its a good time to take a look at the talent pool. TOP FACTORS DRIVING TRENDS Static or declining recruitment budgets Structural changes in the IT landscape Economic uncertainty Data analytics and data quality are massive concerns across all industry sectors in the UK. 9 11. 013 A MORGAN McKINLEY GROUP COMPANY GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY TREND REPORT
