Get Yourself Prepared For CLAT 2020 With These Useful Tips



For students to get admission in any of the twenty-two national law universities in India, they need to pass a Centralized National level entrance test which is nothing but CLAT (The Common Law Admission Test). This entrance exam is organized by the Consortium of National Law Universities that consists of the representative universities.

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Get Yourself Prepared For

CLAT 2020 With These

Useful Tips

For students to get admission in any of the twenty-two national law

universities in India, they need to pass a Centralized

National level entrance test which is nothing but CLAT (The Common Law

Admission Test). This entrance exam is organized by the

Consortium of National Law Universities that

consists of the representative universities. 

It is quite a hardship for the students to prepare for the CLAT 2020 exam just like preparing for boards or various entrance exams conducted after 12th Standard. But if you have the correct guide with you, it becomes easy to get ready for this exam even without coaching. 

Let us check out some of the useful tips that can guide you to perform well

in the CLAT

01Take help of the online material 

It is not easy to prepare for an entrance exam without taking coaching, but you can always count on the online material. There are various types of free notes and question papers available online. It can give you an estimation about how multiple tests are conducted and what are the main things which you need to focus on. 

There are mock tests conducted online, which is also an excellent method to test your abilities and check where do you stand while appearing for CLAT. If there are any experts in your family, you can also take help from them in the concepts which are difficult to understand.

02Take help of the online material 

● When it comes to reasoning section, you need to be focused and use your knowledge and skills to solve various problems. There is also a section of general knowledge where you need to be well-known with the current topics. 

● Reading newspapers and magazines can help you to know about politics, economy, law, sports, and science-based on which questions can be asked in the CLAT exam. 

● For a topic like English, please focus on Reading Comprehensive, Grammar, and also vocabulary. For the mathematics section, you can pick NCERT books, practice as much as you can, and do not forget to try the MCQs that can help you in many challenging topics.


ing with friends

Taking the help of your friends is another way out to get help for your entrance exam. Not every

topic is adequately understood, or sometimes you skip some issues because of the various difficulties in it. You can rely on your friends using notes or group studying. 

04Make notes or highlight the


While studying any subject, you should always have the habit of making short notes or highlighting important topics. Small logic or strategies are forgotten quickly, which can pay you hard.

With the help of records, you can go through a quick revision helping you to solve complicated CLAT questionnaires consuming less time. Make sticky notes and attach in your books on a relevant topic or highlight the issues.


free environment

● To tackle this problem, create your workspace or a study zone where nothing can distract you from doing your work with peace and attention. An attentive nature is key to completing your studies on time. 

● When you sit for studying with the cell phone in your hand and one message pings and the second and the poor book is just kept aside. Always have the distraction-free environment cause it’s a necessity.



Time management should be learned from the beginning only while studying for CLAT. Making proper time management will not only improve your studies but also help you to stay focused.

Time management will also help you be more productive as you will have your planned structure before sitting at your desk for your studies. If you are on track as per your timetable, everything will be done without finding yourself feeling unprepared for your entrance exam.

There is no other way but to work hard that will help you to achieve good marks in your entrance exam.