Germany, 3rd part of portfolio - Marketing



EYE comenius project, 2012-2013, Germany, 3rd part of portfolio -Marketing, EYE comenius project,

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Merchandising Lucky Guys

Our school planner

Our work report

• we made the virtual prototype with Indesign CS6

• a specialist came and told us how to work with the program

Why do we sell it?/Where to sell?

• it helps us to identify with our school

• more practical (timetables, teachers, site plans, ...)

• it’s useful• just for our school• information about our school

• in our school• on our school homepage

Who’ll buy it?/ Price?

• the students of our school (ca. 600 students)

• the teachers (about 60 teachers)

• can’t calculate the price yet

• number of orders

• it’s just a prototype now


• school homepage

• flyer

• at the parents assembly of

the new year 5

Our side-products
