Germany 1929 -31 - Years of turbulence



HSC National Study Germany 1918 - 1939

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GERMANY: 1929 - 1933

The Young Plan – lower reparations

The Great Depression Germany depended on foreign loans – industry / reparations Loans withdrawn during crisis Investment dropped Unemployment grew rapidly

SPD (Govt.) lost power as they were unable to find a solution to the economic crisis

Government collapsed


President Hindenburg ‘replaced democracy with authoritarian’ government

Bruning (Centre Party) was given option to form government without the support of a majority in the Reichstag.

July 1930 – Reichstag rejected Bruning budget (too severe on unemployed)

Bruning and Hindenburg used emergency powers under ARTICLE 48 – dissolved the Reichstag


Article 48 gave president these powers, but there had to be a new election within sixty days

President also had the power to rule by ‘decree’ and override constitutional rights in an emergency – powers of a dictator

In Sept. 1930 elections, moderates lost ground – extreme parties gained more support – in particular Nazi Party – 2.6% to 18.3%

Bruning now had less support in Reichstag


Hindenburg was returned to Presidency in March elections, but was challenged by Hitler who won 36.8% of the vote

SA and SS were banned because of ongoing street violence

Bruning forced to resign & Von Papen placed into power by Hindenburg / Von Schleicher defence minister


Reichstag elections – July 1932. Ban against SA & SS lifted and they lead violence against left wing parties and supporters.

Nazis won 37.3% of the vote – made them the largest party in the Reichstag – 230 seats / KPD had 89 seats – both anti-republic

Govt. unable to govern – new elections in Nov. (Nazi vote dropped by 4%)

Von Papen replaced by Von Scheilcher – Hindenburg decree


Von Scheilcher also unable to govern

30 January – Hindenburg invited Hitler to become chancellor of right-wing coalition government.

One month later – Reichstag was severely damaged by fi re – communist blamed


Hindenburg – Article 48 – end civil liberties under a ‘Decree for the Protection of People and State’ . This allowed for imprisonment without trial and abolition of freedom of press / speech / assembly. KPD outlawed.

This decree restricts campaigning of parties opposing them for March 1933 elections. Violence used against voters. Still only win 43.9% of vote.

Nazi’s form coalition with DNVP & stopped KPD from taking seats that they won


21 March – ‘Malicious Practices Law’ – banning criticism of government

23 March – ‘Enabling Act’ – gave Hitler dictatorial power for 4 years / make laws / change constitution – thus destroying Weimar constitution.

