German education system (2)



German education system (2)

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School’s GradeKindergarten

The German educational system starts of with the so called Kindergarten or Kita, short for Kindertagesstätte (meaning "children's daycare center"). Parents may decide whether their children should attend this institution and for how long before attending primary school at the age of 6. At this level of education children are rather to mature socially than academically. All caretakers in Kita or Kindergarten must have a three-year qualified education, or are under special supervision during training.

Grundschule (Elementary School)

Starting at the age of 6, German kids are enrolled in the Grundschule. Similar to the American elementary school Grundschule consists of four years. The students usually have one class teacher that teaches all subjects except for physical education, religious education, music and common art.

German Secondary School

Secondary education is what makes the German school system so complicated compared to the educational systems of other countries. After Grundschule the students undergoes orientation in level 5 and 6. German parents now have the opportunity of choosing between four different progressing schools, depending on the children’s level of academic ability and life standards. This decision determines the further vocation in life.

HauptschuleHauptschule is one of the four different progressing schools. Children with average abilities attend Hauptschule. Hauptschule was created for children who have already shown difficulties with the curriculum during Grundschule. Children attending this school learn the same things as pupils of other school types, but on a lower level.

After having successfully completed the 10th grade children receive the so called Hauptschulabschluss, which enables them to progress with a vocational education or an apprenticeship.


German students attending Realschule receive a higher level of education. After successfully completing 10th grade these students receive the Mittlere Reife/ Fachhochschulreife, which is an essential certificate to progress to a vocational school, technical school, an apprenticeship, or to attend a Gymnasium.

Gymnasium(HIGH SCHOOL)

Students who are to be over performed more than average and intend to study at a university usually choose Gymnasium after Grundschule. These education tackles a minimum of two foreign languages, Latin is still very popular. It strictly focuses on improving academic knowledge. After successfully passing several written and oral exams during 12th and 13th grade students are rewarded with the Abitur, which is a designation used in Germany for final exams that pupils take at the end of their secondary education.


This type of comprehensive school has establish itself for the last 25 years of German educational system because of political reforms. These schools try to compromise between the three traditional school types: Hauptschule, Realschule, and Gymnasium.

Secondary School (2nd Phase)


After the students take the 1st phase of the secondary level, they proceed to the 2nd phase. For students who chose to be in Hauptschule and Realschule they can proceed to the vocational training for a year and study in a Berufsschule in their 11th and 12th grade. These school teaches apprentices the basic skills needed for their future job. This education generally includes a part – time practical and theoretical education.

Higher Educational Program

Universität (UNIVERSITY)

Hochschule (COLLEGE)


Technische Universität (TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY)

There are several types of higher educational institution:


Germany's universities are recognized internationally; in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) for 2008, six of the top 100 universities in the world are in Germany, and 18 of the top 200. Most of the German universities are public institutions, charging tuition fees of only around €60 per semester for each student. Most German universities focus more on teaching than on research. Research is mostly exhibited in independent institutes that are embedded in academic clusters.

Higher Educational Program

International Programs• Bachelor• Masters• Doctorate (PhD)

Diplomatic Program• Vordiplom (UNDERGRADUATE)


Ersatzschulen (literally: substitute schools)

Ergӓnzungsschulen (literally: auxiliary schools)

Hochschulen (private colleges and universities)

Professional academies (Berufsakademien) are governed by regulations specific to the Länder.

For pupils with special education needs (Sonderpädagogischer Forderbedarf), whose development cannot be adequately assisted at mainstream schools, a range of special schools (Sonderschulen) exists in accordance with the types of disability, which are also known as Fӧrderschulen or Schulen fṻr Behinderte in some Lander.

Non – German Students

The school grade into which foreign pupils are placed when they arrive in Germany depends on how well they speak German. And they are offered of additional lessons in the form of preparatory, bilingual, intensive & remedial classes depending on the State.


• In Germany there is an Abendgymnasium or "Evening Gymnasium“ which is a German class of secondary school for adults over the age of 19 which allows them to gain the Abitur. There is also an Abendrealschule ("Evening Realschule") which is a class of secondary school for mature students which allows them to gain the Mittlere Reife.

• The Hochbegabtenstudium ("College for the talented") is a programme in Germany that allows students of prerequisite intellectual ability (as shown on IQ-tests) to attend college even if they do not hold the Abitur.

• In Germany, homeschooling is illegal.


**Dies ist das Ende**


