Gauri Row Kavi


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About Me

With work experience spanning across 35 years - 15 of which, as a Training/Learning & Development/OD

professional in the corporate sector, I am an internationally certified Life Coach as also a Counsellor, Reiki Master, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Graphologist; a

practitioner of Transactional Analysis and various alternative therapeutic modalities, like Aura Reading,

Chakra Balancing, Colour & Logo Analysis, Crystal Therapy, Tarot/Angel Card Reading & Access Bars.

A licensed practioner of numerous, universally valued psychometric Instruments and globally acclaimed

certifications, I use a holistic approach to diagnose and aid mental, emotional and physical well being.


• Graphology is the science of understanding the subconscious mind from handwriting/signatures/drawings/doodles

• It’s a form of mind language but expressed on paper and is also called Brain-Writing

• Although handwriting is unique to each person, everyone has basic characteristics that show up in their writing.

• The brain is hard-wired to project different attributes which reflect in the writing

• If an analysis reveals an unfavourable trait, it can be changed through Grapho-therapy.

• Consciously changing certain strokes in the handwriting , can eventually make them dominant in the personality.

• Thus new pathways can be created in the brain to make some positive traits, more dominant in the personality.

• This way, personality, perceptions, thought process, outlook ... in fact, life itself, can be changed!

Only one session required - can be done telephonically /by email too

Colour Analysis

• Colours are a major part of our energy system – the 7 major chakras which have been discussed in depth in our ancient scriptures, have specific colours.

• These colours can also be seen in Aura photographs

• The analysis of specific colours is done through a Psychometric assessment

• From the choice of colours selected by the individual, the test throws light on his/her psychological make up which include aspirations, fears, etc.

• The test is incredibly simple and takes under 5 minutes to complete yet the information it provides is amazing!

• A complete report of the analysis is generated and soft copy mailed

Aura Reading

• Aura is an electromagnetic field vibrating at different frequencies

• Every object, living and non living has an Aura

• Kirlian Photography captures the internal and external Aura of a subject, much like an X Ray.

• Aura is important as it shows the frequency at which the Chakras and the energy field around us vibrates

• The Aura can herald health problems that could occur, even two years in advance - thus providing an opportunity to prevent them altogether.

• The Patanjali Yogasutras extensively discuss energy centers (Chakras) and a field of energy around the body (human aura) which modern science proved, with the invention of the Kirlian camera.

• Reading Aura can help learn strengths and weaknesses of an individual

• Assess pre & post therapeutic changes on an individual

• Understand which area of an individual’s life there is an imbalance

Soft copy of the photographs along with a report is mailed to clients – 1 session


• Clinical Hypnotherapy is unlike Hypnosis, as it’s generally understood to be.

• The Hypnotherapist is never in control of the subject/client, as a Hypnotist is.

• Clinical Hypnotherapy is exactly what it means – clinical, means conducted in a clinical manner by a certified hypnotherapist – therapy, means , using therapeutic methodologies, to address deep emotional and psychological issues.

• Completely scientific and safe, the client is methodically guided into a hypnotic trance and the issues are therapeutically diagnosed at the subconscious level, analyzed, treated and healed, by the client him/herself.

• The Hypnotherapist merely facilitates the process

• At no point during the session , does the client lose his/her senses or not in control of them.

• The client continues to remain conscious at one level and can even choose not to share some of the findings with the therapist, although, the therapist is professionally and ethically bound by confidentiality.

• At every stage of the session, permission of the client is sought and if not granted, the therapist cannot continue.

• At the end of the session, the client usually remembers everything that happened during the session, along with a new understanding and eventually, acceptance.


The following amongst others, can be treated with Hypnotherapy

• Health and Mental health related issues• All kinds of Fears and Phobias• Emotional Conflicts/ Relationship issues• Childhood Traumas • Self-esteem/ Confidence issues • Smoking / Alcohol addiction • Weight loss• Anxiety and related disorders• Asthma

Hypnotherapy also uses Age Regression and Past Life Regression (PLR) to diagnose and treat issues – however, those curious to know themselves better, may want to try PLR without necessarily having any issue as such.

Number of sessions depends on issue to be treated


• Reiki is an energy healing modality discovered by Sensei Mikhail Usui, a Buddhist monk, in Japan.

• Reiki is extensively practiced across the globe resulting in many off shoots like Tibetan Reiki, etc., however the original Usui Reiki is what Sensei Usui taught.

• Reiki energy is transmitted from the practioner’s hands to the recipient’s body.

• Reiki energy can heal emotional as well as physical pain and can be given at a particular spot (area of pain) or to the full body and also when the recipient is not physically next to the practioner (through Distant Reiki).

• Aura photographs have shown remarkable changes (healing), in before and after Reiki sessions.

• An individual has to be initiated into Reiki by a Reiki Master and there are 3 levels an the individual can choose to do

• Level 1 teaches self Reiki; Level 2 equips the individual to give Reiki to others; Level 3 A is when the individual becomes a Reiki Master and 3 B is when he/she is qualified to teach Reiki. Level 1&2 can be done together, however Level 3 takes considerable amount of time and depends on your readiness, as recognized by your Master.

Crystal Therapy

• Crystals are different from ordinary stones or rocks, as they have a specific atomic and molecular pattern, wherein atoms are arranged such that they all point in the same direction.

• Because of this arrangement, the energy they give out is laser like and focused therefore powerful.

• All Crystals are associated with a Chakra or Chakras hence used to heal particular chakras in the body, which are not channeling energy effectively, consequently affecting organs which they influence.

• All gem stones (Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire) are actually crystals, however far more expensive than other crystals because of their beauty and demand.

• Crystals Therapy uses crystals to diagnose, treat and heal mental & emotional issues as well as physical ailments, with relevant crystals.

Tarot & Angel Card Reading

• Tarot Cards were first read to predict the future, during the ancient Egyptian civilization and have been in use since then.

• They could be termed as a branch of the Occult sciences however, there is nothing unsafe about them.

• Tarot is a predictive modality, wherein cards are drawn by the seeker/client or on his/her behalf by the Card Reader, to ask a specific query.

• Tarot Cards give pretty accurate readings and can be done in person or over the phone

• Angel Cards give overall guidance and like Tarot can be done in person or over the phone

Gauri Row Kavi

+91 9820047846