G Mac Chapter05




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  • 1. Managing File Access Chapter 5 70-290

2. Objectives

  • Identify and understand the differences between the various file systems supported in Windows Server 2003
  • Create and manage shared folders
  • Understand and configure the shared folder permissions available in Windows Server 2003
  • Understand and configure the NTFS permissions available in Windows Server 2003

3. Objectives (continued)

  • Determine the impact of combining shared folder and NTFS permissions
  • Convert partitions and volumes from FAT to NTFS

4. Windows Server 2003 File Systems

  • Three main file systems
    • File Allocation Table (FAT)
    • FAT32
    • NTFS
  • Final choice of file system depends on
    • How system will be used
    • Whether there are multiple operating systems
    • Security requirements
  • NTFS is most highly recommended

5. FAT

  • Used by MS-DOS
  • Supported by all versions of Windows since
  • Traditionally limited to partitions up to 2 GB
    • Windows Server 2003 version supports partitions up to 4 GB
  • Limitations
    • Small partition sizes
    • No file system security features
    • Disk space usage is poor

6. FAT32

  • A derivative of the FAT file system
  • Supports partition sizes up to 2 TB
  • Still does not provide advanced security features
    • Cannot configure permissions on file and folder resources


  • Introduced with Windows NT operating system
  • Current version (version 5)
    • Windows NT 4.0
    • Windows 2000
    • Windows XP
    • Windows Server 2003
  • Theoretically supports partition sizes of up to 16 Exabytes (EB)
    • Practically supports maximum partition sizes from 2 TB to 16 TB

8. NTFS (continued)

  • Advantages of NTFS
    • Greater scalability and performance on larger partitions
    • Support for Active Directory on systems configured as domain controllers
    • Ability to configure security permissions on individual files and folders
    • Built-in support for compression and encryption
    • Ability to configure disk quotas for individual users
    • Support for Remote Storage
    • Recovery logging of disk activities

9. Creating and Managing Shared Folders

  • Shared folder
    • A data resource made available over a network to authorized network clients
    • Specific permissions required for creating, reading, modifying
  • Groups that can create shared folders:
    • Administrators
    • Server Operators
    • Power Users (only on member servers)

10. Creating and Managing Shared Folders

  • Several ways to create shared folders
  • Two important methods
    • Windows Explorer Interface
    • Computer Management console
      • Also allows shared folders to be monitored

11. Using Windows Explorer

  • Used since Windows 95
  • Can create, maintain, and share folders
  • Folders can be on any drive connected to the computer
  • Folders are shared in Windows Explorer by accessing the Sharing tab of folders properties

12. Using Windows Explorer (continued) 13. Activity 5-1 Creating a Shared Folder Using Windows Explorer 14. Creating a Shared Folder Using Windows Explorer

  • Objective is to create a shared folder using Windows Explorer
  • Open Explorer from Start menu
  • Use Explorer to create and configure a new folder
  • Verify folder usingnet viewcommand
  • Open Explorer from command line for alternative verification

15. Activity 5-1 (continued) 16. Using Windows Explorer (continued)

  • Shared name of folder does not have to be the actual file name
  • Hand icon used to indicate shared status
  • Shared folders can be hidden from My Network Places and Network Neighborhood
    • Place dollar sign ($) after name, e.g., Salary$
    • Number of hidden administrative shares created automatically at installation

17. Using Windows Explorer (continued) 18. Using Windows Explorer (continued) 19. Using Computer Management

  • Computer Management console is a pre-defined Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
    • Allows you to share and monitor folders for local and remote computers
    • Allows you to stop sharing if desired

20. Using Computer Management (continued)

  • Share a Folder Wizard
    • Used to create folders in Shared Folders section of Computer Management
    • Used to provide preconfigured or manual permissions
      • All users have read-only access
      • Administrators have full access; others have read-only access
      • Administrators have full access; others have read and write access
      • Custom share and folder permissions

21. Activity 5-2 Creating and Viewing Shared Folders Using Computer Management 22. Creating and Viewing Shared Folders Using Computer Management

  • Objective is to create and view shared folders using Computer Management
  • Open Computer Management and the Shared Folders node
  • Open Shares folder and note hidden files and other file types

23. Activity 5-2 (continued) 24. Activity 5-2 (continued)

  • Open the Share a Folder Wizard
  • Configure the folder attributes
  • Configure the folder permissions
  • Verify folder accessibility from command line

25. Activity 5-2 (continued) 26. Monitoring Access to Shared Folders

  • Monitoring involves
    • Who is using shared files
    • What shared files are open at any given time
  • Other functions
    • Disconnect users from a share
    • Send network alert messages
  • Primary monitoring tool is Computer Management

27. Monitoring Access to Shared Folders 28. Managing Shared Folder Permissions

  • A shared folder has a discretionary access control list (DACL)
    • Contains a list of user or group references that have been allowed or denied permissions
    • Each reference is an access control entry (ACE)
    • Accessed from Permissions button on Sharing tab of folders properties
  • Permissions only apply to network users, not those logged on directly to local machine

29. Managing Shared Folder Permissions (continued) 30. Managing Shared Folder Permissions

  • To deny access to a user or group
    • Windows Server 2003 does not include No Access share permission
    • Must explicitly deny access to each individually
  • Default permission is read access for Everyone group
    • Should be immediately addressed when a share is created
  • Folder permissions are inherited by all contained objects

31. Activity 5-3 Implementing Shared Folder Permissions 32. Implementing Shared Folder Permissions

  • Objective is to use shared folder permissions to control access to resources
  • In this exercise, you configure permissions on a shared folder to implement specific requirements:
    • Domain Admins group has Full Control permission
    • Marketing Users group has Change permission
    • Other users have no access

33. NTFS Permissions

  • Resources located on an NTFS partition or volume can be given NTFS permissions
  • An administrator must
    • Know how permissions are applied
    • Standard and special NTFS permissions available
    • How effective permissions are determined

34. NTFS Permission Concepts

  • NTFS permissions are configured via the Security tab
  • NTFS permissions are cumulative
  • Access denial always overrides permitted access
  • NTFS folder permissions are inherited unless otherwise specified
  • NTFS permissions can be set at file or folder level

35. NTFS Permission Concepts

  • A new ACE has default permission
    • Read and Read and Execute for files
    • List Folder Contents for folders
  • Windows Server 2003 has set of standard permissions plus special permissions

36. NTFS Permission Concepts 37. Activity 5-4 Implementing Standard NTFS Permissions 38. Implementing Standard NTFS Permissions

  • Objective is to configure and test NTFS permissions on a local folder
  • Implement standard NTFS permissions on a folder
  • Review default permissions
  • Explore behavior of permission inheritance

39. Special NTFS Permissions

  • Can provide more or less access than standard permissions
  • Special permissions accessed from Advanced button in the Security tab on Properties dialog box for resource
  • Permission Entry dialog box enables assignment of permissions and control of inheritance settings

40. Special NTFS Permissions 41. Special NTFS Permissions

  • Inheritance settings
    • This folder only
    • This folder, subfolders, and files (default)
    • This folder and subfolders
    • This folder and files
    • Subfolders and files only
    • Subfolders only
    • Files only

42. Special NTFS Permissions 43. Special NTFS Permissions 44. Activity 5-5 Configuring Special NTFS Permissions 45. Configuring Special NTFS Permissions

  • Objective is to view, configure, and test special NTFS permissions
    • Deny a group the ability to read the NTFS permissions associated with a folder
    • Verify that access has been denied

46. Determining Effective Permissions

  • Permissions that actually apply to a user can be the result of membership in multiple groups
  • Prior to Windows Server 2003, determining effective permissions was done manually
  • In Windows Server 2003, there is an Effective Permissions tab in Advanced Security Settings dialog box for resource
    • Shows specific permissions for a user or group

47. Determining Effective Permissions 48. Activity 5-6 Determining Effective NTFS Permissions 49. Determining Effective NTFS Permissions

  • Objective is to view effective permissions for a user on an NTFS folder
  • Open the Effective Permissions tab for a test folder
  • Enter the name of the user
  • Review the permissions specifically granted to that user for that folder
  • Repeat with a group

50. Combining Shared Folder and NTFS Permissions

  • NTFS permissions can be combined with share permissions
    • When accessing a share across a network, if both apply, use most restrictive
    • When accessing a file locally, only NTFS permissions apply

51. Activity 5-7 Exploring the Impact of Combined Shared Folder and NTFS Permissions 52. Exploring the Impact of Combined Shared Folder and NTFS Permissions

  • Objective is to determine effective permissions when combining shared folder and NTFS permissions
  • Create a folder with both permissions
  • Attempt to create a new folder locally and over the network

53. Converting a FAT Partition to NTFS

  • For highest security, partitions and volumes should be configured to use NTFS
  • Command-line utility, CONVERT, will convert FAT or FAT32 partitions and volumes to NTFS
  • All existing files and folders are retained
  • CONVERT cannot convert NTFS to FAT or FAT32

54. Activity 5-8 Converting a FAT32 Partition to NTFS 55. Converting a FAT32 Partition to NTFS

  • Objective is to convert a FAT32 partition to NTFS file system
  • Create a small FAT32 partition on server (using New Partition Wizard)
  • Create new file and folder on the partition
  • Use CONVERT to convert the partition to NTFS
  • Review permissions on the converted folder

56. Summary

  • Windows Server 2003 supports 3 file systems
    • FAT
    • FAT32
    • NTFS (preferred)
  • Two types of permissions
    • Shared folder (network only)
      • Tools are Windows Explorer, Computer Management, and NET SHARE command
    • NTFS (local and network)
      • NTFS partitions only

57. Summary

  • Permissions
    • Shared folders, 3 standard permissions
    • NTFS, 6 standard and 14 special permissions
      • Permissions are cumulative
      • Effective permissions can be determined from Advanced Security Settings of a resource
    • Shared folder and NTFS permissions can be combined
  • CONVERT utility can convert a FAT or FAT32 partition to the NTFS file system

58. 59. 60.