Future City Game



Presentation on British Council's Future City Game given at the Gaming Forum 2012 in Athens.

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Future City Game

Centre for C ities and Creativity

• cre ativity and culture can e nhance our d aily live s in citie s

• culture as an active asse t rathe r than pass ive consum ption

• citie s as place s rich in d ive rs ity and opportunitie s

Contact• www.citie s -cre ativity.org

• @ cccre ativity

• jacob@ citie s -cre ativity.org

Creative C ities

aim s to he lp m ake citie s a be tte r place to

live , work and play

… by d e ve lop ing and im ple m e nting tools wh ich s tim ulate social innovation

and cre ativity and ne w th inking across E urope

… by cre ating opportunitie s for social innovators throughout E urope to

share knowle d ge and id e as

The three s trands of the Creative C ities project

• Future C ity Game

• Urban Ideas Bakery

• Urban Forum/Creativity in the City

S tage s

Vis ioning Tes ting Presenting

S tep 1 :Global challenges S tep 2 :

Local challenges

S tep 3 :Perspectives

of the city

S tep 4 :Ideas

S tep 5 :Prioritis ing ideas

S tep 6 :Presenting future


S tep 7 :Preparing for

tes ting

S tep 8 :Real world tes ting

S tep 9 :Preparing and

presenting final ideas

S tep 10 :Voting

S te p 1 : G lobal challe nge s

Economic : Growing inequality

The re are pocke ts of ve ry rich place s with in citie s and pocke ts of ve ry poor

place s . The gap be twe e n the rich and poor is wid e ning

S ocial : S hifting populations

30% of the world ’s population live d in urban are as in 1 950, now … . 50% of the

world ’s population live in urban are as

Cultural : Increased divers ity

The num be r of m igrants m ore than d ouble d be twe e n 1 960 and 2000

Environmental : C limate ChangeAlthough citie s occupy just 2% of the E arth ’s surface , the ir inhab itants use 75%

of the plane t’s natural re source s

Global challenges

ENVIRONMENTALC lim ate change

CULTURALIncre ase d d ive rs ity

S OCIALS h ifting population

ECONOMICG rowing ine quality

S tep 1 :Global challenges S tep 2 :

Local challenges

S tep 3 :Perspectives

of the city

S tep 4 :Ideas

S tep 5 :Prioritis ing ideas

S tep 6 :Presenting future


S tep 7 :Preparing for

tes ting

S tep 8 :Real world tes ting

S tep 9 :Preparing and

presenting final ideas

S tep 10:Voting

S tep 1 :Global challenges S tep 2 :

Local challenges

S tep 3 :Perspectives

of the city

S tep 4 :Ideas

S tep 5 :Prioritis ing ideas

S tep 6 :Presenting future


S tep 7 :Preparing for

tes ting

S tep 8 :Real world tes ting

S tep 9 :Preparing and

presenting final ideas

S tep 10:Voting

ECONOMIC‘the wealth of the city’• Jobs and e m ploym e nt

• Bus ine s s

• Inve s tm e nt

• S kills

ENVIRONMENTAL‘the nature of the city’• Public s pace

• Waste

• E ne rgy

• Topography and land scape

S OCIAL‘the wellbeing of the city’

• We lfare

• H ous ing

• C rim e and justice

• H e alth

• E d ucation

• H app ine s s

CULTURAL‘the life of the city’• D ive rs ity

• Faith

• Arts and e ve nts

• Le is ure and play

The s tructureof your city :

four perspectives

S te p 3 : Pe rspe ctive s of the city









C ity of Me cca: a cultural city

S tep 1 :Global challenges S tep 2 :

Local challenges

S tep 3 :Perspectives

of the city

S tep 4 :Ideas

S tep 5 :Prioritis ing ideas

S tep 6 :Presenting future


S tep 7 :Preparing for

tes ting

S tep 8 :Real world tes ting

S tep 9 :Preparing and

presenting final ideas

S tep 10:Voting

S te p 4 : The id e as crite ria

Fun - e xciting and cre ative

Innovative and futuris tic - will prod uce som e th ing ne w or d iffe re nt

Me e ts local challe nge s

Me e ts global challe nge s

R e le vant to com m unity - pe ople are supportive

S ustainable - has a pos itive and lasting im pact

Fe as ible and ach ie vable - the right re source s can be found to m ake it happe n

S tep 1 :Global challenges S tep 2 :

Local challenges

S tep 3 :Perspectives

of the city

S tep 4 :Ideas

S tep 5 :Prioritis ing ideas

S tep 6 :Presenting future


S tep 7 :Preparing for

tes ting

S tep 8 :Real world tes ting

S tep 9 :Preparing and

presenting final ideas

S tep 10 :Voting

S te p 6 : Pre se nting future id e as

1. Pre pare a pre se ntation about your stronge st id e a(s)

2. You will be pre se nting to all the te am s

3. You can pre se nt in any way you like

4. The othe r te am s will give you he lpful h ints afte r your pre se ntation

5. Th ink care fully about what to te ll othe r groups as the y m ay ste al your id e a!

S tep 1 :Global challenges S tep 2 :

Local challenges

S tep 3 :Perspectives

of the city

S tep 4 :Ideas

S tep 5 :Prioritis ing ideas

S tep 6 :Presenting future


S tep 7 :Preparing for

tes ting

S tep 8 :Real world tes ting

S tep 9 :Preparing and

presenting final ideas

S tep 10 :Voting

Future C ity G am e - Kaunas


Future C ity G am e - C ope nhage n

Voldparken - Energy Center Voldparken

Future C ity G am e – s e cre t of succe ss


Divers ity in teams .

Practitioners as external advisers .

Real world teas ting

The fun factor and the gaming element

C re ative C itie s - Im pact

Large audience acros s Europe.

Useful tools for 66% of participants .

European Capitals of Culture.

creativecities .britishcouncil.org

C onclud ing re m arks

Thank you for lis tening – please ask ques tions .

jacob@cities -creativity.org

kate.demps ter@britishcouncil.org

anas tas ia.andritsou@britishcouncil.gr

Twitter: @jurup