Ftc board pictures


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Coach Bradley Bodkins, Coach Chris Bates, Peyton McKenzie, Zach Stokes, Macy Watts (treas.), Coach Sara Foley, Adan Byrd

Rebecca Erkson (pres.), Ariah Pendleton (sec.), Ben Talbot (vice pres.)Will Watts, Alex Tingle (not pictured Lex Styles, Caleb Whitney, Coach Angie Talbot & Coach Mike Erekson)

Provided Concessions for the FLL Red Carpet Regional Qualifier in

Vicksburg, MS

Met with FLL teams at Bowar Elementary to enlist members for FTC

Small Bob Offseason Goal: Make the smallest robot possible.

Wait For It Team #8651 Ready-Or-Not Scrimmage:

Make robot hit beacon and balls.

Lift for Cap Ball

Double Lift for Cap Ball Was Too Heavy for


Single Lift for Cap Ball

Trial and Error Team #10191Brandon Helps Us Program

Our Flat Bot

Wait For It Team #8651 Programming Workshop & Ready-Or-Not Scrimmage:

They Help Us Debug and Start Autonomous
