Front cover production log 1


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Front Cover Production Log 1

Kianna Briggs

•This is the plan I have created which allowed to create the layout of my front cover The boxes with the ‘x’ in shows where the images are going to go. I have allocated the text to the left of the page so that the audience are not confused as to where to look but can simply approach the cover logically.

This is my chosen image for my front cover. I have made use of a prop so that the audience can recognise that it is a music magazine as they would associate a microphone with music. Furthermore because the genre of my magazine is funky house I have paid close attention to colours for example the singer has red hair which is bright and will grab the audience’s attention. Furthermore she is wearing a purple shirt which has connotations that she is a funky artist because of the colour but also that she is serious about her job which is shown with a shirt. Due to the fact that my front cover has a white background I had to use the crop and lasso tool in Photoshop which would allow me to cut the image out of the background.

This is the image after I cut it out of the background using the lasso tool in Photoshop. The difficulties I came across when cutting it out where cutting out the small intricate parts such as between her arm and the microphone lead and also her hair. This is because I had to be careful not to cut out her arm which would make her look disproportional. However to overcome these difficulties I had to enlarge the screen which would allow me to get a more precise cut as I would be able to see exactly what I was cutting out. Once I cut my image out I then transferred it onto InDesign which allowed me to place it in the exact place I wanted on a page.

I then placed the image in which I had manipulated in Photoshop on to In Design.

Regarding my masthead I found it from a website called Dafont. I had many problems trying to transfer it to InDesign as it would not allow me to download.

As a result of this dilemma I had to enlarge the screen and then print screen it onto a word document which would then allow me to crop the page and manipulate the size to fit the page on InDesign.

I then copied the font from word onto In Design in the position that was appropriate.

With regards to my sky line I decided to use a range of colours which would highlight my colour scheme. I also used three different font sizes which creates a differentiation and highlights the most important words.

I have used two fonts on my front cover which are ‘Rockwell’ and ‘Sans Serif’. I have used these fonts because they are very opposite from each other which create a funky look. Before choosing these two fonts I experimented with a number of different fonts. This made me see what looked appropriate and also showed me what two fonts looked well together.