Franklyn Korea Power Point


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SouthKorean Culture

By:Franklyn Whaley


•The language, food, and traditional culture.

Food•Dishes served at once•Kimchi, traditional food, spicy•Pepero Sticks covered in chocolate

etc.•love sweet potatoes,sweet potato

lattes etc.

Traditional Culture•2333 B.C.E•2012 first women president•wife never inherits last name•The Koreans last name is usually

Kim, Park, Yi, or Lee•Children’s Day, May 5• Considered 1 year old when

born •considered

Language•Can take 88 weeks•used to write up down•Hangul Korean alphabet 24

letters, 14 consonants, and 10 vowels


•Korea was poor but now on of the biggest technology economy.

• i have learned lots as I hope you did also

•I love being Korean

안녕 Good Bye/ Hi in Korean anyoung (un-yong
