Forensic Entomolgy



Forensic Entomology- science of using bugs to solve a murder case.

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Forensic Entomology

By: Ashley Straniero & Shaun Connolly

From the Beginning…

First discovered by Francesco Redi (17th Century)

Exposed vs. Unexposed Meat Spontaneous Generation Theory

Insects at the Crime Scene

Flies vs. Beetles Blow Flies and Flesh Flies are first to

inhabit a body (Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae)

(Sexton beetle)

Weather and Observations of Body

Sun vs. Shade Position of Body Inside vs. Outside Maggot Mass Temperature Air Temperature Soil Temperature

Collection of Bugs

First appeared bugs are captured first (very fast retrievers)

Ethyl Acetate to immobilize bugs (75%) Properly label bugs (graphite only)

Estimating Time of Death

PMI (Post Mortem Interval) Identifying types of species of insects –

Rate of development Tampering with the results: season,

temperature, sun exposure, etc.

Sequence of Insect Arrival

1st Responders=Blow Flies which are attracted to the foul odor (several hours after death)

2nd Responders=Flesh Flies appear directly after or at the same time as Blow Flies

Under certain weather conditions, the Flesh Fly will appear first since they can fly during rainfall.

Insects & Blood Spatter

-”Flyspecks”-Insect Tracks-Regurgitation

Diversity of Forensic

Entomology-Child Abuse-Elderly Abuse-Animal Abuse-Car Accidents





Work Cited

Briscoe, T. S. (n.d.). Crime and Forensic Blog | The National Museum of Crime and Punishment. Washington D.C. Museum - Crime Museum. Retrieved April 1, 2013, from, D. J. (n.d.). The American Dictionary Of Criminal Justice: Key Terms And Major Court Cases - Dean J. Champion - Google Books. Google Books. Retrieved April 1, 2013, from


D6ns0gGB_YBI&ved=0CFoQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=entomological%20evidence%Domain Names, Web Hosting and Online Marketing Services | Network Solutions. (n.d.). Domain Names, Web Hosting and Online Marketing Services | Network Solutions. Retrieved April 1, 2013, from | DeepDyve. (n.d.). DeepDyve - The simplest way to get the articles you need. Retrieved April 1, 2013, from entomology. (n.d.). Forensic entomology. Retrieved April 1, 2013, from
