For The Project Of Examination System




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ROLL NO: 560890


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We are thankful to “Almighty Allah” who provided us courage to complete this project. During this work we have learned that how different strategies are applied at different levels to make this project successful. We are especially thankful to our respected teacher who provided us guidance in completing our successfully. We are also indebted to those persons who have provided us useful information regarding aspects of Data Base Management. We are also thankful to our teachers, who helped us in completing this project.

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This is to certify that this work entitled “Examination System” is original and performed by of 2nd year I.C.S group, and is supervised by Lecturer in Computer Science of .

Signature of Supervisor

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Examination System


To maintain the examination record previously huge registers, various record books and files were being maintained even then it was extremely difficult to get the appropriate data whenever it was required, even then most of the time it would not be as correct as i8t should have been. With the introduction of computers where a lot of other record keeping became easy and convenient, data regarding the examination with complete record of all types of examinations and information about each and every candidate has become extremely easy, correct and available at the click of a button.


To prepare the project we have to take the following main steps:

1. We have to enter the basic information about the student i.e. student’s name, roll no, class, section and group.

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2. Then we have to concern with the examination in charge to get the information about Student’s performance in the examination i.e. marks and status.

Drawbacks of manual work

Following are some drawbacks of manual work:

Time consuming:

Getting the required information from the available data takes a lot of time. Changing, editing and updating the information contained in several files is a slow and time consuming process.

Needs Large Space:

In manual work done data item has to be stored at several places, similarly student’s record is maintained in separate registers. It requires more storage space.

Data Security:

There is no security in the manual work. Data can be damaged or lost and unauthorized persons can access it easily.

Need of Effort:

In manual system, a student’s record is maintained in separate files so it takes much effort to collect data from several files for each student and if we want to change or delete the data of any student then it has to be changed or deleted from all the files and places.

Need of Several People:

Several people are required to manage the information. This also increases the system costs.

High Costs:

It is very difficult and expensive to keep the information consistent and updated.

Advantages of Proposed System

There are much advantages of proposed system than manual work. Some are as follows:

Data Consistency:

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In proposed system one data item is stored at one place. So whenever data is retrieved , always current value of data is used.

Better Data Accessibility:

Data can be retrieved more easily in database system. It provides special data access language sand techniques to store data.

Data Security:

It is the protection of the database from unauthorized access. The database management system provides several procedures to maintain data security.

Data Sharing:

A database is created for one application. But this database can also be easily used for new applications that need the same data or a portion of the data.

Less Effort:

The data maintenance in a database management system needs less effort in the proposed system as compared to manual work system.


The database management system maintains data in a compact and efficient manner. It needs less space than the manual storage system.

Designing of proposed System

Table Creating:

Table is the fundamental concept of relational database it is used to store data. In a table data is arranged in rows and columns.

In this project we have made five tables (Admission Form, Date Sheet, Result for ICS, Result for pre engineering, Result for pre medical). In those five tables one (admission table) is our main table and the other four are sub tables, which are linked with the main table by the creating relationship between them.


In the step of registration the data about (entity) student i.e. student’s name, roll number, class, section, group etc. is recorded.

Admission Table (main table):

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In the project admission table is the main table.

In this table we have defined the (field name).Roll no is set as the primary key so that no data is duplicated.

We have assigned data type (number) for the field (roll no) and to other fields we have assigned (text) data type.


One complete operation carried out on a database is called a transaction. Transaction is carried out on al primary tables i.e. Result sheet for I.C.S, Pre-Medical, Pre- (Engineering, Humanities, General Science Group (1) and Group (2).

Sub Tables:

All sub tables have same field names and data types and composite key is assigned to it.

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The linking of records of one table with the records of other table is called a relationship. There are three type of relationship:

One to one relationship.

One to many relationship.

Many to many relationship.

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The tables are linked by one to one relationship

Query Designing:

A request to extract data from a database according to some specified criteria is called query. We designed the project in such a way that every sub table is separately linked with main table.

In this project we have made group wise and class wise queries(Date Sheet for First Term, Examination Sheet, Result for ICS group 1, Result for ICS group 2, Result for pre engineering group 1, Result for pre engineering group 2, Result for pre medical group 1, Result for pre medical group 2). In designing class wise queries we have given class criteria (ICS) s all the data about this specific class is extracted and is placed in a table.

Query1 (Date Sheet).:

Design View:

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Date Sheet for students is presented as query

Data Sheet View:

The result of the query made by the name of Date Sheet for students is shown in the Data Sheet view.

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Data Sheet View

Query2 (Examination Sheet):

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Examination Sheet is presented as query

Data Sheet View:

The result of the query made by the name of Examination Sheet for students is shown in the data sheet view.

Query3 Result Sheet for ICS:

The data about the result of students of ICS is extracted and is presented as a query.

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Data Sheet View:

The result of the query made by the result Sheet for ICS is shown

in the data sheet view.

Form Designing:

Form is a window that collects data form a database and organizes it on the computer screen. They are specially designed to make data entry and retrieval easier. They provide an easy interface for entering, editing and displaying data. They are mostly designed by using wizard.

In this project we are going to use six forms (Admission Form, Date Sheet for First Term, Examination Sheet, Result for ICS, Result for pre engineering, Result for pre medical).

Form of Date Sheet is shown below:

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Form for students in Examination Sheet is shown below:

Form of the result of the student of Pre-Engineering is given below:

These forms show subject wise result of different students of different groups.

Report Designing:

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Presentation of processed data obtained from a database is called report. A report simply retrieves data from a database and presents it in a formatted form. New data cannot be entered and modified. The report can be displayed on the screen, printed on the paper or stored on disk.

In this project we have eight reports (Date Sheet for First Term, Examination Sheet, Result for ICS group 1, Result for ICS group 2, Result for pre engineering group 1, Result for pre engineering group 2, Result for pre medical group 1, Result for pre medical group 2)

The report of Examination sheet is shown below:

The report of Result Sheet for Pre Medical:

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