F:\my documents\media studies\evaluation media coursework question 7


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Question 7:Question 7:Looking back at your preliminary task (the Looking back at your preliminary task (the

school magazine), what do you feel you have school magazine), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full learnt in the progression from it to the full


My School Magazines:

Bellow are my designs of my school magazines, that I completed at the start of

the year.

Designed for Students Designed for Parents


I think I have improved a great deal with my knowledge of Photoshop since I completed my school magazine at the start of the year I think this is because I used very basic skills on my school magazine but since then I have gained more knowledge of Photoshop which has helped me enhance my skills thus ensuring a high quality is maintained through out my work of my music magazine.

I used very basic skills on Photoshop for my front cover of this school magazine such as fill colour.

Whereas on my music magazine I used skills and tool such as the light flare tool and edited shadows onto text.


I think my quality of my photographs have improved a fair bit because the photos I took and used for my school magazine are very basic and I didn’t use a lot of skill when i took the photos such as, I didn’t use macro to do close up shots of the models I wanted to photograph to put on my front cover of my school magazine. I also think I took the photos quickly and without thinking of what I wanted to capture and how I wanted to capture it.

Also on my music magazine, I had more of an idea of how I wanted my models to be when I took their pictures for example how I wanted them to stand, what I wanted them to wear and how I wanted their facial expressions to look like, also thinking of my genre of my magazine these factors which I wanted to interpret into my photographs helped portray my genre of the magazine. Whereas on my preliminary task of the design of my school magazine I think I just took the pictures without really thinking what I wanted them to stand like and their facial expressions, one thing I did think about however, was the clothes they were wearing as it was a school magazine I obviously wanted to photograph the people wearing their school uniform.


Looking at the front cover of my school magazine I think they look quite bare with minimal text, this wouldn't work as a real school magazine because they are expected to be very informative. Whereas on my front page of my music magazine it contains a lot more text and it is very informative, explaining exactly would be inside the magazine.

I also think my use my quality of language that I used has improved a lot on my front covers, because in my school magazine I think the text is very complex and simple and is not very informative, with one line explaining what will be inside the magazine for example, “new sixth form building” and “interesting lessons” this does not particularly express what you will find out by reading the magazine.

But on my music magazine I used a more detailed description of what would be found inside the magazine, including page numbers for example, “how to get hair like Cheryl Cole” and “the 50 most downloaded ‘pop’ songs of 2010” I think this makes it more clear as to what people can read inside the magazine.


On my student version of my school magazine I used the fill tool to colour in blocks I think this looks quite tacky and it also gave the page a childish look which did not portray it’s target audience which was sixth formers.

However I did keep the colour scheme the same by using, black, white and yellow but I think these colours aren’t very sophisticated and again look rather tacky together.

But on my music magazine I tried to maintain the same colour scheme, as I used red, black, white and orange. I think these colours work well together and look sophisticated (unlike my school magazine) against the white background I also think the colours would attract my audience which Is teenage girls as the colours are bright and eye-catching. Whereas the colours I used for my school magazine are very childish and would not attract sixth formers (age 16-18) as I think it looks to childish for sixth formers