Flight 93 titles


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The film starts of with a black background, then titles start to appear. The first three titles are telling the audience who presents the films and who is involved in the

production process. The last title that appears on the black screen is the title ‘flight 93’, this signifies to the audience that the film is about to begin and gives them a little insight on what the film may be about. Because all the titles are placed on a black

background this gives the audience no clues or information about the actual film yet. Also this could connote that the titles are important and the producer doesn’t want to

distract you with mise en scene and just wants you to focus on the titles.

These two titles have been placed in an establishing shot, this allows the audience to notify where the setting which the audience can tell by these two

shots that it is an airport and also one of the titles that appear also notifies them as it says ‘Newark Airport’. These establishing shots also link in with the title ‘flight 93’ as they have just shown the audience an airport and an aeroplane,

this shows the audience that the film is going to be about an aeroplane because of the first couple of titles and shots given. The titles give the audience

information on what day and time it is. From this the audience is given more information as the date that has been stated everyone is aware that, that date is the date the 9/11 plane crashes happen, so now the audience has a slight idea of the upcoming events. This will make the audience want to see more of the

film and how this film is portraying that terrible event and how it might of followed through as no one knows.

The next titles appear in shots that people are in, who seem to be some of the main characters of the film. These titles are just the names of people and not

what they have done in the process of making the film suggesting to the audience that these are the real names of the characters that are going to be starring in the film. The titles have appeared in shots that now show potential

characters faces showing the audience who will be in the film. Also the titles have come up according to importance in the film, for example the main character

‘JEFFREY NORDLING’ who plays the role of tom in the film has appeared first as he is the main character.

In these next shots the names of people have been put together showing that their importance is lower than the other ones. Also they haven’t been

placed when you can see any of the characters faces suggesting these names are not any of the characters.

All these shots involve the names of people who was involved in the filming process and put it all together. All the titles in the opening fade in and out. This titles appear in not so important scenery suggesting they are not important either, these titles are just something that is added if anyone wants information

on the people behind the film.
