Five Things We've Learnt from The Apprentice: Episode Six


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Five things we learnt from The Apprentice

Episode Six

Location, Location, Location

Team Stirling got some local insight and went to the tourists

Team Phoenix went to a football match where their product was too highly priced

Business is a balancing act

It is important to keep costs down

Are your margins large enough?

But Gourmet needs to be good quality

Will people buy it for that price?

Timing is Everything

Don’t miss the bus!

It’s pretty hard to sell food right after people have eaten

And don’t waste peak selling time doing anything else

Speak Sense

Lord Sugar commended him for making sense

Azhar clearly stated why his team had failed

Pizza does not equal Meatballs

Don’t make yourself a target

Katie had been in the boardroom twice already

Her team was keen to put her back in the firing line

Keep these in mind and you shouldn’t end up…

