First look at kylie minogue in neighbours


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First look at Kylie Minogue in Neighbours. She is shown as a tomboy, while working in a garage and punches a man.

The start of the video shows that kylie appears as more of an independent adult, owning her own apartment which for the time would be good. She is also very fashionable, but does not reveal herself so maintains the interest of a young audience.

Kylie appears to be more feminine in this video, as she is independent and fashionable, but is missing one thing the intended would want to have. She keeps the image of being inspirational but drops the label of being a tomboy.

She begins to sing to a large picture of a man, indicating she is out of a relationship and in love with someone at the same time. The size of the photo is quite large which suggests it might not be a love interest but maybe someone to aspire to, like young girls aspiring to be Kylie.

In one part of the video, the backgrounds turns into a very childish drawing with hearts and words on it. This appeals with a younger audience.

In the scene in the bath, the only part of Kylie we see other than the head is some of her arm, suggesting she is trying to represent a younger audience.

Much more grown up version of Kylie, 1990 image has been changed from the former.

She behaves in a more sexual manor with more skin in show and lots dancing and acting more maturely.

Very striped down mise en scene, no actual location given but some shots of what might be a club which is more adult and not for a younger audience.

She still shows signs of how she used to be, very smiley, eye contact etc.

2000- Clearly in a nightclub, probably exclusive. She is more sexualised, the outfits would suggest this. She is made to look almost completely naked, but is not.
