Film trailer script


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Film Trailer Script

Fade in:

1. Establishing shot of the main protagonists house/surrounding. This is the everyday view she sees when leaving the house.

Next frame follows:

2. Medium shot shows the protagonist, Mia, on her phone in her bedroom.

Next frame follows:

3. Production and distribution logos are one after the other. – StudioCanal and Skyline Productions.

Next frame follows:

4. Close up of mum drinking in the living room, in the daytime, watching TV.

Next frame follows:

5. Caption: BFI London film festival. – Best British Newcomer – London film festival award.

Next frame follows:

6. Long shot of Mia walking along a street to meet friends. There is a shot reverse shot which shoes a close up with dialogue before a medium shot of her walking again.

Next frame follows:

7. Medium shot of step-father holding the baby. The camera then shows him looking up.

Next frame follows:

8. Point of view shot from the step-father’s perspective of his wife drinking/holding a bottle.

Next frame follows:

9. Medium shot of Mia arguing with her friends. There is dialogue exchanged.


You’re never here.


You always get what you want, thinking about yourself. Selfish.


That’s not me, that’s my step-father.


But you still take it.

Next frame follows:

10.Medium shot of Mia walking away from her friends. There is a focus pull on Mia.

Next frame follows:

11. Caption: Film magazine review. - ***** ‘Like a modern day Cinderella’ – Empire.

Next frame follows:

12.Mia is walking along a street (shown through a tracking/long shot) and passes a gang of people.

Next frame follows:

13.Over the shoulder shot (over her shoulder) of Mia talking to the people.


Hey! You look lost, come sit with us.

Next frame follows:

14. Caption: Titles regarding the narrative. – ‘When you lose your way’.

Next frame follows:

15. Long shot of her and the gang of people say in an abandoned place. They are taking drugs and drinking. She is sat quietly in the corner. They are all in conversation, muttering and mumbling to one another.

Next frame follows:

16. Caption: Title about narrative - ‘Finding new hope’.

Next frame follows:

17. Medium shot of her taking something from one of the gang members when they offer it.

Next frame follows:

18. Caption: Title about narrative – ‘Is not always good’.

Next shot fades in:

19. Point of view shot (from Mia’s view) of all of the gang walking through a field in front of her. From the point of view shot you see them approaching a road.

Next frame follows:

20. Long shot from opposite side of the road of them coming out of the field.

Next frame follows:

21.Close up on Mia pulling her phone out of her pocket when it rings. Her mum is calling.

Next frame follows:

22. Medium shot of her turning away and declining the call. In the background you can see the rest of the gang cross the road without her.

Next frame follows:

23.Medium shot of her turning around and sees they’ve crossed the road without her and shouts out for them but no one turns back.


Guys, wait up!

Next frame follows:

24.Point of view long shot of the gang not turning back and carrying on walking.

Next frame follows:

25. Medium close up of her reaction to being left behind. In the rush to catch up she doesn’t check the road before crossing.

Next frame follows:

26. A close up of her feet as she takes her first step out onto the road.

Next frame follows:

27. The screen goes black as a screeching sound is heard. This is to imply braking harshly.

Next frame follows:

28. Caption: title – ‘Always good’.

Next frame follows:

29. Caption: Release date and social media links.

Next shot fades in:

30. Caption: Final production credits including main cast and director.