Film Pitch Preparation


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It is a Disaster film about the world ending. The films message is what people would do/say if they knew they only had minutes to live.

The target audience would like to see this because it actually has a message to it where as other disasters are just more action packed.


1. Sophie Vale

2. Aaron Beard

3. Harrison Fletcher

4. James Grimley

Location Ideas

1. Chelmsford High Street

2. School

3. A house


1. Casual clothes

2. Phones

3. Saw dust

4. Gun

5. Clock

Technical (SFX, Camera, Lighting)

- Heart beat (SFX)

- Cars crashing (SFX)

- Loud bangs (SFX)

- All shots included

- Dim lighting

- Flashing Lights


1. Marley & Me- It all runs together

2. Gary Jules- Mad World


- 3 minutes




- 2012 (2009)

- Into The Storm (2014)

- The Core (2013)

- Live And Let Die(1973)

- The Happening (2008)


This film is about people all over the world preparing for the end of the world with just 12 hours to live. The end is predicted to be at 6:00pm which people spend there day making something out of their last hours. There are three main characters who are all friends two being boys and one a girl who all help each other to fight for their lives.

The world isn’t normality as everything is already falling to pieces and the ground is splitting. People start realising the world is about to end when car alarms start going off, loud bangs are being heard and people start screaming.


The target audience for this disaster film would be young adults ages 12 and over. Although older people ages 18 and over would also enjoy this. I wouldn’t recommend this film to children as it may come across scary to them and they wouldn’t find that sort of genre interesting.


Setting- It will be set in a popular area in Chelmsford High Street and in a car park. The sound of car alarms going off and dust coming from the ceiling of the car park will be in the car park and the three friends walking together will be walking through a crowd full of people.

Theme- Dim lighting will be used on a rainy day to portray a depressing atmosphere and the bad weather will make it seem like the world is ending.