Fifth Workshop for LubutoLiteracy Program in Lusaka, Zambia



Slides from the fifth workshop with the children and staff at Lubuto Library at Ngwerere in Lusaka, Zambia. We ventured into making flaps in Etoys to contain pop-out information and to temporarily hold working tools during production. Then we deconstructed the Lubuto Bemba Letterboard and saw how to make a transparent sound button. Lastly, transparent sound buttons were built over individual words in a sentence and triggered with mouseEnter. The eight days of workshops I am delivering are funded by a USAID/WorldVision grant from the All Children Reading Challenge. Representatives from the Zambian Ministry of Education participated in all the sessions. Photos here: Lubuto talk etoys_ngwerere_22_feb_2013.ppt

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LubutoLiteracy Workshop #5: Working Sound and the Lubuto Lessons By Mike Lee, Sugar Labs DC – Lubuto Library at Ngwerere, 22 February 2013

Yesterday: HARD PLAY with animation and scripting in Etoys.

Belito and Harrison see their Etoys animation running for the first time!

Updates…•Intel Classmate laptop loaded

•A first look at the Zambian ZEduPad tablet!

•Mike coming to drama event Saturday (tomorrow).

Large collection of projects files and learning material loaded onto the Lubuto Intel Classmate Laptop

Etoys and Lubuto Lessons running on the Intel laptop

I will also leave everything on a USB drive with Eleni.

Free manuals on how to use open source software

These “FLOSS” manuals and more are loaded onto the Classmate Laptop

Getting a first look at the Zambian ZEduPad by

Mark Bennett of iSchool with Eleni Coromvli of Lubuto Library Project


Lubuto Letterboard Topics Covered…

•Uses of flaps. Flaps are shared between open projects.•Transparent rectangle over artwork for sound button•Record and script a sound to an object•Build mouseEnter speaking words•Be sure to name your objects as you place them•Be consistent in how you name•Use the All Players list and Sound Library to keep track of your lesson parts•Build a flap to hold working tools like Sound Recorder, Sound Library, etc.•(4-6 of the laptops could not record sound in Gnome.)

Mike’s Workshop and Zambia Trip Photos Here:
