FAO 28th Regional Conference for Africa - Decentralization and decentralized offices network




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ARC-28 African Youth In Agriculture and Rural Development

FAO 28th Regional Conference for Africa24 – 28 March 2014, Tunis (Tunisia)

Decentralization and Decentralized Offices Network


ARC-28 African Youth In Agriculture and Rural Development


FAO Council in its 144th Session approved Decentralization proposal with increased focus on:

1. Improved Planning and priority setting at the Regional/Country level

2. Improvements in the Decentralized Office Network

3. Integrated Model for Programme Delivery

ARC-28 African Youth In Agriculture and Rural Development

Progress has been sustained in:• Strengthening country-level leadership and

management capacity• Partnership with various national/regional and

international partners• Improved programme and administrative

management• Increased integration between emergency,

rehabilitation and development


ARC-28 African Youth In Agriculture and Rural Development

Decentralized Offices in Africa

• New generation of FAORs• Deputy FAORs posts• Training for FAORs• Members’ contribution to the strengthening of the

Decentralized Network through Government Counterpart Cash Contributions (GCCCs) and new partnerships with the Organization

ARC-28 African Youth In Agriculture and Rural Development

Country Programming Framework (CPF) Status

Total Number of expected CPF - 47, of which:

• Number of CPFs endorsed by the Government -28

• Number of CPFs endorsed by the ADG/RR, awaiting Government endorsement – 4

• Number of completed CPF drafts, under review or finalization – 13

• Number of countries with ongoing process - 2

ARC-28 African Youth In Agriculture and Rural Development

Promoting Strategic and Operational Partnership

• Operational partnership at regional and sub-regional levels

• Establishment of Africa Solidarity Trust Fund (ASTF) for Food Security

• FAO/AU collaboration• Partnership with Regional Economic Commissions• Participation in UN Country Teams• Civil society organizations

ARC-28 African Youth In Agriculture and Rural Development

Resources, office and programme management• Roll-out of the Global Resource Management System

(GRMS)• Performance assessment system:

1. Review of CO finance, administrative and programme management

2. Analysis of quantitative data, benchmarking3. Approach and lessons learned from recent assessments

• Skill mix review

ARC-28 African Youth In Agriculture and Rural Development

Integrated model for programme delivery

• Transfer of operational responsibilities for emergency and rehabilitation programmes

• RAF has been strengthened with additional operational staff

• Project Servicing Costs of emergency projects

• New model of decentralized management of the emergency responses

ARC-28 African Youth In Agriculture and Rural Development

Strategic fine-tuning for better support to Members

• Location of staff tuning based on:

1. Recommendations of Evaluation of Decentralization2. Strategic Framework3. Last biennium experience – taking stock of 2012-134. Lessons learned

• Strengthening of COs, SROs and Resilience Hubs and the Regional Office

ARC-28 African Youth In Agriculture and Rural Development

ARC-28 African Youth In Agriculture and Rural Development

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