Facts about bald eagles


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Facts about Bald Eagles

By Gabriel

Weight and Length

The average weight is 10 to 14 pounds.The length is 34 to 43 inches.

The Habitat

The Bald Eagle lives in near water areas like in the forest near water and they migrate.

What it eats

They mostly eat fish from the water but they also eat both dead and alive some on shore are a favorite.They eat others to like baby deer, rats,snakes and other birds.They are carnivores.

How it protects itself

The Bald Eagle grows itself to be big with it’s wings and sharp claws.

Alive or Hatched

Eaglets or chicks are hatched from egg.They have about 1,2 or 3 eggs.Bald Eagles can dive to 100 mph.


I liked the Bald Eagle because it is really big and they are pretty strong and they are pretty hard to find them but yeah they are some cool birds to look at!!!

Hoped you liked it!!!
