Expository - research into my specific category


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What Expository is

A very traditional form of documentary in which an unseen speaker performs a voiceover commentary that literally explains the images that we are seeing. It is the form often associated with wild life or historic documentaries, in which the viewer might feel in need of information about what they are seeing.

An expository documentary has a person narrating over the documentary explaining what is going on to give the viewer a more in-depth knowledge of what is going on.

Expository documentaries are the most common type of documentary, it addresses the viewer directly with voiceovers that supply perspective and advance an argument.


An example of a expository documentary is America’s most wanted. Other genre’s of expository documentaries include: historic and nature.

Bear Grylls: Man v Wild

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtIG4TuVnvg He talks to the camera but also narrates as he describes what is

happening and what he has to do in that situation. Bear Grylls does survival documentaries so that if you was in that

situation you would know how to survive. He survives in the worst places and eats anything he can.

America’s Most Wanted


It is mostly narrated as they describe what is happening and what crime is being done.

America’s Most Wanted is where they go over how the people who are Americas most wanted became that, usually through murders and they then try to ask the public to help give information if they know anything.

Conventions used for Expository.

A commentator Rhetorical questions Facts Opinions Persuasive techniques In an expository documentary the commentator talks specifically

to the audience. They are often biographical, historical or talk about a certain

