Exploring Private-Collective Business Models



This presentation is a summary of the results of a survey conducted between mid-November and mid-December 2010 with the eZ Publish Community. Based on an open-ended questionnaire, our research team identified three key factors that support the dynamic that operates in a private-collective business model. Research Team: Dr. Paul M. Di Gangi (Western Carolina University) Dr. Robin Teigland (Stockholm School of Economics) Bjørn-Tore Flåten (University of Agder) Nicolas Pastorino (eZ Systems)

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Summary Analysis & Recommendations

Robin TeiglandStockholm School of Economics

Paul M. Di GangiWestern Carolina University

Björn-Tore FlåtenUniversity of Agder

Nicolas PastorinoeZ Systems

Director Community

Presentation StructureStart


Key Findings

Summary of eZ Share Survey

Next Steps


Meet the Team

Meet the Team

An international dynamic research trio

Robin Teigland, Ph.D.

Associate ProfessorStockholm School of


Paul M. Di Gangi, Ph.D.

Assistant ProfessorWestern Carolina


Bjørn-Tore Flåten, MSc.

Research FellowUniversity of


An international dynamic research trio

Robin Teigland, Ph.D.Associate Professor

Stockholm School of Economics

Teaching & Research Interests:Creation and diffusion of knowledge in

networks of practice and impact on firm’s competitive advantage

Personal Biography:•Doctorate in International Business, Stockholm School of Economics•M.B.A. in Operations and Production Management in Multinational Organizations, The Wharton School •M.A. in International Studies, University of Pennsylvania•B.A. in Economics, Stanford University•Seven years of experience in international business

Paul M. Di Gangi, Ph.D.Assistant Professor

Western Carolina University

Teaching & Research Interests:Exploration and exploitation of user-driven innovation communities and

impact on new value creation.

Personal Biography:•Doctorate in MIS, Florida State University•M.S. in Information Systems Technology, The George Washington University•B.S. in Computer Information Systems, Quinnipiac University

An international dynamic research trio

Bjørn-Tore Flåten, MSc.Research Fellow

University of Agder

Teaching & Research Interests:Creation and sharing of knowledge in

open, extended virtual teams and impact on a firm’s value creation

Personal Biography:•Final stages of Ph.D dissertation in International Management, University of Agder•MSc in Economics and Business Administration, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH)

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Key Findings

Summary of eZ Share Survey

Next Steps


Research team and eZ Share Director Community discuss opportunity for partnership to explore ways to create a “killer” community.

Introductions and development of eZ Share survey to help identify key factors that affect community.

Launch of eZ Survey to solicit feedback from eZ Share community.

Research team analyzes survey responses and presents results to eZ Share Director Community Nicolas Pastorino.

Research team and eZ develop plans to further explore the factors identified in survey and engage in further discussion with the community.

Oct ‘10

NovNov - Dec

Jan ‘11

Jan - FebNext Steps

Background Story

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Key Findings

Summary of eZ Share Survey

Next Steps

Summary of Results


18 responses (7 in Week 1)

Overall Communication

3.5/5.0 (Slightly Satisfied)

Name of community should be…

ez Publish (6 “votes”)

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Key Findings

Next Steps

Analysis Approach

Qualitative Analysis

Research team independently reviewed survey responses to identify re-occurring

themes within the responses.

Theme Identification

Research team met to discuss determine common elements found

in independent analysis.

Theme Validation

Using the common themes found by each researcher independently, team discussed and validated results with

eZ Share Community Manager.



Relational Dynamics

Theme One

Relational Dynamics

“Did you mean the communication between <NAME REMOVED> and the eZ publish community? Yes, it’s very


“I think the communication by <NAMES REMOVED>… is great, but one gets the feeling that they may not have the

best communication with eZ Systems.”

Responses suggest a distinction among organizational agents (those working within eZ Publish community) and the organization (eZ Systems) when it comes to

perceptions about communication.

Decision Making Process

Theme Two

Decision Making Process

“Maybe more trusted people could make/develop eZ Publish. More people from community could become

professional or ‘half-professional’ eZ partners, developers…”

“… It’s harder to give confidence to an open-source community driven by an editor than a community driven

by a democratic or autocratic authority.”

Responses suggest a significant interest in understanding the dynamics that exist in terms of the decision making process, “rights” of the community”,

and the benefits of commitment to community.

Member Development

Theme Three

Member Development

“Creating the badge/grade/xp/achievement system…”

“Focus heavily on the noob. Hard core devs are already here, but there are not that many in the world. Grooming noobs is a growth opportunity.”

Responses focused on interest in developing & nurturing the growth of the community via technical (e.g., achievement system & webinar features) and social adjustments (e.g., training and mentorship for

new members & inexperienced developers).

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Next Steps

Need to develop a deeper understanding of the relationships within the eZ Share community.

Overarching Finding






eZ Organizational Agent

3rd Part Organizational Agent

Community Member



Conduct interviews with a variety of eZ Publish community members and eZ to further refine the

themes identified in the eZ Share survey.

Next Steps

Basis to develop action items to improve community relations, decision making process, and product development to make the

eZ Share community a “killer” community.

Potential Benefits

Need to develop a deeper understanding of the relationships within the eZ Share community.

Overarching Finding

If you are a member of the eZ Share Community,

we want to hear about what makes you tick and what you think makes a

“killer” community!

Interested in being interviewed?

Linus Torvalds

Thank You!

If you would be willing to conduct an interview with us to further understand the eZ Publish Community and help eZ build a stronger, more beneficial community, please contact:


To learn more about the researchers managing this study, please see our websites below:twitter.com/bjorntfl

