Evaluation questionnnn 3


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Film’s Cool

Film’s CoolAt the beginning of the year we had professional industry mentors to help us throughout our production work. Every session we had we got feedback from them. The first film’s cool session was with Kate Hardie who is an actress, director and writer. The feedback we had gotten from her from our very first film’s cool session was to be imaginative and explore ideas that mean something to use and develop that into a story. The second film’s cool session was with another industry professional called Jesse O'Mahoney he was an industry profressional screenwriter. He wrote scripts for eastenders and hollyoaks. So he was really important in showing how we could improve and develop our scriptures for our work. A piece of feedback that was really important that Jesse O’Mahoney gave to us was that character profile was very important in distinguishing the personality of the character, the home life issues, their love life and their appearance. The third film’s cool session was Christine Blundell’s make-up academy. This session was to show us how to use make-up for the killings of our slasher horror trailers. This session taught us how to use home ingredients to make deaths seem real. This made the cuttings look real and gruesome so those people who enjoy watch horror slasher would know what they’re about to see. The fourth Film's Cool session was with Ross Currans who is another industry professional who directs shows such as masterchef. Also Alec who is an upcoming industry professional. The feedback we got from Ross Currans was to help us develop our scenes and make them stronger so that the audience will understand them. An example of this is the dancing scene. This was to let people know that a graduation party was about to take part. The feedback Alec gave us was really constructive. For instance we needed to experiment with the lighting in our scenes, also to capture shots that we want in our production work in different angles. The final film’s cool session we had was carried out by Christine Blundell, Alec and Matt. This session was to clear up on the finishing touches such as the type of music and tempo we would use in our trailer, cutting down some shots because they were too long and switching around some scenes to make the trailer flow a lot more better. Alongside with positive feeback such as great use of make-up from Christine Blundell.