Evaluation Question #7


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Evaluation Question #7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression

from it to the full product ?

Planning & PreparationMy skills in planning and preparation have

improved a lot since the preliminary task and so the planning and preparation for the final product was much easier and more effective. I did proper research and paper work before shooting for my final product e.g. Story boards are made, shot division list and screenplay helped me on the location because I knew what scenes were to be


Time Management

My time management has also improved since the preliminary task because it helped me to realize that

once I finished filming and start editing my final product I may need to re-shoot. So I must have ample

time to re-shoot and edit it.


Camera Skills

When filming my final product I used more camera movements than in preliminary task such as tracking/dolly.

Video below will help to show how I did that.


When filming my full product I was thinking about what different camera angles and shots to use more than I was when filming my preliminary

task. I was thinking of the 180 degree rule and line of action not to be crossed. I have used focus pulls

in my opening sequence.

03/13/14Over the shoulder shot Point of view shot

Low angle Shot

Conventions of film opening sequencesIn the preliminary task I did not do any research into conventions of film opening sequences because it was

not needed but it was needed for the full product. I tried different ways to make title of my opening

sequence. Finally ended up with Imovies.


Post production skills: Premiere pro skills

When doing the preliminary task I gained some basic skills such as cutting with the help of razor tool in

premiere pro while doing my full product I developed the basic skills and gained some advanced skills in it such as special effects and transitions. I also learnt

how to put music on top of the action to add effect. I learnt how to add tracks and how to work on audio

mixer in premiere pro.


How consideration of target audience effected opening sequence ?

With the preliminary task I didn’t have a target audience

so it doesn’t effected the product but with the final

product I had a very specific target audience and so

everything I did, I had to think whether it fitted with

the target audience.


Lighting plan

Lighting in my prelim Lighting in my final product


When I was shooting my preliminary video I had issues

with lighting sometimes it was very bright and sometimes very dark.

Whereas in my final product I took care of lighting to be constant overall in my

film, not too dark not too bright.


I wrote my script on Microsoft Word while shooting my prelum.

Whereas while shooting my final product I wrote my script on Final Draft because it has a proper format. There are different

options for shots, action, character and dialogues.



Made By:

Shahzaib Butt