Evaluation Question 6


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Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I used this program to present some of my questions. I have a lot of previous knowledge and experience of how to use this program, so I gained no new knowledge of how to use this program. I used this program because of the previous knowledge I had and I didn’t have to learn anything new.

I used Facebook to upload and gain some audience feedback. I have use Facebook in the past, so uploading the photos was not problem. This is a good way in which I wanted to gather audience feedback. I was also able to get perspective from a lot more people.

I used the Panasonic HC-X920E HD Camcorder as a way in which to film audience feedback. I have had enough experience with this to do what I needed to do with it, so I learnt nothing new during it.

I used Photoshop to manipulate the photos on both my preliminary task and music magazine. I had no previous experience of using this program, so I have gained this experience and now know how to use this program without any trouble.

I used YouTube to upload my audience feedback to my blog. I have previous experience using YouTube so I didn’t have any trouble using it and uploading the video after I had recorded it. I have gained some extra knowledge of YouTube after doing this task.

I used blogger as a way in which to post what I was doing during the coursework. I was also a way in which I could present other media types in one place. I was pretty familiar with blogger and knew enough to do what I wanted with it. I have become more familiar during the coursework and now know how to better post things and have it be easier for the audience to view.

I used an Apple Mac to do most of my coursework. This all the programs I needed to use. I had no experience of using an Apple Mac, so getting use to this product took sometime. I now have a huge basis of knowledge of how to use an Apple Mac due to this Coursework.

I used Word to answer my questions and present it this way. I had previous knowledge of this program but I have gained more knowledge using this program during this coursework.

I used Prezi to present some of my question in a new and exciting way. I have some previous knowledge of this online program but have gained more knowledge and I can now use this program without any problem.

I used Quark to create my preliminary task and Pop music magazine. I have a previous knowledge of how to use this product because I have used this in the past. I have also gain some extra knowledge of how to use this product also.

I used Google Drive to upload all my documents to my blog. I had no experience or knowledge of this product so it took some practice of what I needed to do with this product. After a bit of practice this product is pretty simple to use and upload from Google Drive to my blog.

This is the only photo camera I used throughout my coursework. I was easy to take professional photos with it so the magazine looks good. I has some previous experience with this camera but I had to learn how to do a few things during it. I am now more familiar with this and would be able to use it better in the future.

I used both Whatsapp, Twitter and Imessage as way in which to get audience feedback. It was very easy to get this feedback as the people using the software and myself have had a load of previous experience as they are commonly used apps in daily life. This means I had a load of experience using the software, so I didn’t have any difficulties using them for the purpose I needed. This is a good way in which I wanted to gather audience feedback. I was also able to get perspective from a lot more people.

I used PowToon as a way in which to present my evaluation questions. I had never heard or used this program before, so I had to learn when using it. I don’t feel totally comfortable using this but I feel like the question is presented ion such a way in which it is better than powerpoint or such.