Evaluation question 3


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Evaluation Question

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Questions I have asked to my piers

•Did you find the trailer effective?

•What do you think stood out throughout the trailer?

•Could you suggest any improvements?

•Could you tell the genre?

•Did it go with the ancillary texts?

•Would you buy it on the shelves?

An overview of feedback I received…

I recorded 5 students from Goffs School from a variety of ages this is what they came up with all the people I asked said that they could easily tell the genre of my horror trailer which first of all is a

bonus because we have succeeded in that main area.

Some said it was effective due to the good use of jump cuts, the horror sounds in the background, when you think the trailer is finished they found it effective that it actually wasn’t,

they feel it is more of a surprise. One boy said the clip where the main character jumps in the air it looked like a good use of effects. Its easy to understand the story line and a good vibe to go and

watch the film. The fact that it had no music in the background made you feel like you was there. Also the white snow made it look like a hand held camera scenarios which is what we was

hoping to achieve.

Too improve one said we should have the music build up towards the end of the trailer, and that we needed to add more dialogue.

The majority said the ancillary tells you could tell were linked up with the horror trailer, really good use of images from the location shots and they looked professional and could see it standing out on the shelves so they all agreed that they would buy the magazine and one boy said it was at a

reasonable price.

They believe it is easy to understand the storyline your not left with confusion.

Overall I am completely impressed with the feedback I received and that I feel we have done a great job in the group as a whole.