Evaluation question 2


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By Millie Bourke

THE MARKETING PACKAGES OF ARTISTS I RESEARCHED Looking at 3 of the artists I researched, I can easily see the marketing packages. I took inspiration from a wide range of artists but I will specifically look at Amy Winehouse, Adele and Florence and the Machine. All these artists have elements of indie/pop/soul within them which matches my chosen genre.

AMY WINEHOUSE I will be focusing on Amy Winehouse’s Back to Black album. Following the indie genre her website and digipak use the same images of her drawing attention to her femininity and style. Similarly, her videos focus a lot on her focusing on her face, body and actions. Every aspect of her marketing package has a vintage theme from the font, colours, clothes, videos and images. This style remains consistent throughout her work not just this significant album. Her talent is well represented through her images, while most indie artists display a casual side, she conforms more to the soul genre as on her website there are a lot of images of her performing live on stage. She made herself an icon with her unique style and makeup which displays to the audience her individuality to the audience. I applied all this to my work with a soulful vintage theme throughout all media products and with a strong focus of the artist in my music video.

ADELE Adele mainly seems to have a consistent black and white theme to match her soulful love songs throughout her website, digipak and videos. She too follows a very classy vintage look to go with a soul genre, similarly she also focuses the camera a lot on her promoting herself and her talent. Her website makes sure to get herself promoted with shots of her with recent music videos and lists of tours all displaying her popularity. Her style is very simplistic which conforms to the indie genre however her songs are well known due to the dramatic videos and lyrics relating to a wide range of people, which gives her that element of pop within her musical career. I took heavy inspiration from Adele’s dramatic videos displaying emotion but also I kept my style consistent just like she does throughout so I appeal to a similar audience (13-21).

FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE Florence is a typical indie artist. She has a real light-hearted theme to her work which means she uses bright colours and boho style clothing within her videos and digipak as with her website she has kept the layout simple using a lot of images making it a lot more visually appealing making the artist a lot more well known. I try to take the visually appealing route with my products especially the digipak which follows the same faded imagery as her music videos do. Along with the other artists, Florence does a lot to promote herself by making herself the centre of attention by making most video shots of her as well as showing images of herself in her digipak and website

INCORPORATION INTO MY WORK Throughout my work I made sure to have a continuous style so that it flowed well and didn’t clash. I threw in elements of soul and indie mixing them together. With this I got a continuous vintage style throughout both my video, digipak and website presented through images, colour and font used. I kept the look of Amy Winehouse and Adele with the kind of clothes and look I was going for as an artist pouring emotion and style into all my work while Florence inspired me to make everything visually appealing through images I took for my website and digipak (for example instruments like old pianos and guitars which have that element of soul genre) but also small touches within my music video. Keeping a focus on the artist was a common theme within these marketing packages so using camera shots on the artist was important but I also included a blog on my website which made it a lot more personal and intimate which I thought really reflected on the indie genre.

SOCIAL MEDIA Social media is such a big part of our everyday lives. It massively assists artists in bringing them closer to their fans and getting well known (Very important for indie artists). Social media also creates a massive amount of promotion, posting on twitter or Facebook will attract more attention to their work and increase their popularity. I used social media such as a linked Facebook page to share updates of my main website and a linked Instagram page for aesthetic images (to make my website for visually appealing). Social media is used a lot by my target audience who are 13-21 so it will be easier to connect with them and attract them. I kept links on my website and those pages so that fans can access all back and forth easily and simply.

SYNERGY Synergy is the interaction/co-operation of two or more organisations, substances or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. Its very important as it gives bands/artists a larger global affect. When creating my products I kept a good consistent theme going throughout all of them with the same kind of vintage look about them with neutral faded colours and effects. I kept the idea of a paper plane going as my artist is known as ‘Amelia’s Paper Planes’ so as my website logo I have a paper plane, my merchandise also features a paper plane shirt and in my digipak the model is holding a paper plane as well as a paper plane also being included on the disk. The constant inclusion of the paper plane would be to get more recognisable to audiences.