Evaluation question 1


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Evaluation Question 1:in what ways does your media product

use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

Name of the film and how it suits the genre

The name of the film suits the genre which is action and sci-fi because it tells the audience that it is a futuristic setting of a planet of apes . Since the genre ‘sci –fi’ it is dealing with imaginative content such as apes on a planet controlling the world. It also fits the ‘action’ genre because there is a battle between apes and a group of human survivors.

In comparison to the title name ‘The Walking Dead’ it is obvious to the audience that it’s a horror, thriller because it is associated with the dead almost giving the target audience a sneak peak of what its about.

Setting/locationDawn of the planet of the apes setting is held in an abandoned location such as an island with forests and a variety of landscapes. Which shows the division between the apes and humans as well as their habitats for example the apes living in the forests and humans in the abandoned city area. The pictures show the abandoned city area as well as a group of apes invading the human habitat.

Costumes and props Yes! – the props involved in the film are very typical as it is a action movie showing the battle against apes and humans. The main prop used in this film is the use of guns and weapons as it shows the division, power and authority of apes and humans. Also humans use the guns as a type of protection against the apes. However, the apes use horses as their authority and power figure.

Costumes and props used within our opening created a typical suggestion of the genre we chose ‘gangster thriller’ an example of this would be the type of attire used for each character such as black & white suit which suggested the role of the our detective at the very beginning. Also bandanas and casual dark clothing matched the gangster image we portrayed with our two characters represented as an Asian gang. Props played a huge part in our opening scene an example of this is the bucket of water thrown at our ‘weed grower’ character this emphasises the interrogation scene heavily as it shows the violence and power of the Asian gang. Another example could be the torch used by the ‘detective’ when entering the room this prop suggests the location is abandoned and rundown area giving more significance to our genre. Lastly, the bottle of whiskey connotes the hard work and importance of the job and finding information as well as the authority since whiskey is an expensive drink .


For the opening sequence our editing fits the conventions because we have used lighting which is a key aspect to portray our specific genre ‘gangster thriller’ we have used a couple of lighting features such as black and white this matches the conventions of a thriller movie because it portrays something evil, scary or even death. Black and white is also a very powerful colour which suggests elegance and wealth which we have used with our first appearing character in the opening scene wearing a back and white suit.

We also incorporated different sound features in the appropriate places of our opening sequence this improves our opening scene because it enhances mysteriousness and enigma code within the scenes .

Title font The title font of my opening sequence fits the genre however is different to other films in the same genre. An example of this is ‘Se7en’ the style of font such as credits are mainly blocked letters except the actor names which shows emphasis on the credits and the actor names are presented with an gothic effect to match the genre also the white font used contrasts with the black background and pictures shown. Furthermore, Se7ven ‘s opening sequence includes attention to the genre and audience by the movement of font used for instance, fading in from different parts of the screen as well as sharp movements whilst on screen , an electrical effect and layered style of words which creates an illusion/seeing double effect. All of the following features within the title fonts has a great impact towards the genre and target audience.

However, the featured effects in our opening sequence for the title font were the following, contrast in colours to enhance the font for example we used the colour white on a black and grey filter also we have used an effect which looks as if our text is being typed on to add emphasis to the genre. For the main title towards the end our sequence it is presented larger and bold with an appearing effect in reaction to what happens adding to the mystery and enigma code.

Story and how the opening sets upThe opening of our scene presents clues of our genre and narrative at the very beginning for example as the first character is portrayed with a black and white suit along with a drink of whiskey, after he receive s an ‘unknown’ call this suggests that our opening scene is related to an important case linking to the genre of our opening. Also it portrays the importance, stress and hard work the character goes through with his job, the bottle of whiskey is an expensive drink which connotes class of the character. Lastly, the black and white attire shows authority, power and dominance.

Moreover, towards the middle of the opening sequence we acknowledge two Asian gang members interrogating the ‘weed grower’ this gives clues to our narrative and genre due the violence acted out and the stereotypical gang members. We also find clues from the area and location of the scenes for example dark lighting, abandoned and run down these features add to the choice of genre we have picked ‘gangster thriller’.

How characters are introducedDuring our opening sequence each of the characters are represented at different times, at the very beginning of the opening we are introduced with the ‘detective’. This character is portrayed clearly though his attire which is a black & white suit along with the type of props around and used by him such as a bottle of whiskey, unknown phone call and a wall of pictures and locations suggesting the information he has gathered before he makes his mission to investigate.

The ‘weed grower’ makes his first appearance in our interrogation scene along with our two Asian gang members. This scene shows the interrogation act and violence between the gang & the weed grower this suggests the division amongst the two such as who has the most power to the least. Clues are given to each character because of the violence as well as the type of clothing being worn.