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Media EvaluationsChittikan Rujiart 13L4196




Tone Background colourBrightness and Contrast

Main image I have presented my main image in a medium shot, this shot it commonly used in the real magazine. I have used this shot because it clearly shows the facial expression of the model as will as the prop that were used in the photograph. it shows that my model has passion for music. Moreover, the model will need an obvious prop(in this, case the guitar) it highlight the fact that it is a music magazine. The connotation of an electric guitar is the passion for the music and style of the magazine

By using Photoshop I have changed the brightness of the original image because it seem to pale, which is not complimentary to a common rock magazine. To resolve this problem, I have increased the contract to make the photo appear darker. From the reach I have found on the internet, I have analysed and compered different type of rock magazine in which they are usually associated with dark colour such as black and navy blue.

I think I have chosen the right choice by editing the colour because it would appeal to my target audience, which consist of female and male between the aged of 16-19 and interested in rock music.

To conclude, I think that the main image is conventional because of camera shot ( medium close up ) is commonly used on many different type of music magazine no matter what the genre is. I also think that the mise-en-scene used is conventional as well because props and make up is commonly used in rock magazine.Another thing that I have asked my model to do is to apply eyeliner near the

model’s left eye. Since many famous rock stars on popular music magazines use make up (men and woman) it emphasizes the fact that my music magazine is rock based.



Structure Front cover For my front cover I have structured it in a particular way, which is similar to a music magazine. My masthead is displayed at the top of the magazine, which is usually what we see in a popular music magazine. I have also kept the font simple because I want my other target audience to focus on the main image (my model). Furthermore, I believe that if the font is too fancy it would make my magazine slightly less professional thus it wouldn’t attract customers. With the cover lines, I personally think that they are conventional because they are displayed in an orderly way where they do not distract any other feature of the magazine. Also, I have kept my cover line similar, which shows consistency of the magazine, which is conventional as other magazines do so.

In addition, if I refer my final magazine product to my plan, I would say that I did adequately well because I have kept to the plan and included most aspects of what a common music magazine would have, such as masthead, cover lines and barcode. To add to this, through a research, I have added other aspects from popular rock magazines, such as the selling line as I think it would add extra conventions to the magazine as it can describe the main marketing point; the marketing point help the reader/ target audience notice what will be included in my music magazine. This can also help the reader want to read more about a particular topic.

By placing my barcode at the bottom right hand corner of my music magazine, it doesn’t distract the other aspect of my music magazine. Since other music magazine used the bar code I have used the barcode; the barcode allows quick and easy purchase. I have displayed the price above the barcode because it is commonly display near the barcode of the magazine. Also the usage of the price allows people to notice how much the magazine cost.



Structure Contents page At the beginning of my planning I have tried to produce my contents page in an unique way, so I have introduced a big main image at the top of the contents page; title underneath and follow by the contents. By doing this way I think that it will challenge the real magazine. However, as I producing my media product, I have found that it quite difficult due to my pictures being too big to be presented in the contents as they took a lot of space, preventing other component to be included in the page.

As you can see the from the final product, I have completely change my structure to the normal style like real a magazine are commonly used. I have split the page into two main part; on the left hand side for the contents and on the right hand side are pictures with page number. The picture that were displayed on the content it highlights the main article that will be display on the double page spread. And on the right hand side I have used 3 subheading, this is because to help the audience focus on the particular subject that they are interest.

Furthermore, my title were display in big and bold size with the logo of the magazine written inside the the title. I personally think that my title is challenge the real magazine convention because of its layout and the logo that placed inside the title. The reason I place my logo there is because I think that it gives a unique style, also make the contents relate to the front cover.

The the bottom end of the page I’ve got ‘RV’ which is stands for ‘Reverse’, which this can give a relationship between the front cover and the contents page.



Structure Double page spread From research from the internet, I personally think that my double page spread is conventional due to similarities between rock magazine and other double page spreads and my double page spread. On the left hand side, I have decided to place the image there, which allows the reader to distinguish between the text and image. This is convectional because other rock music magazines tend to separate the image from the text. Since my model on the double page spread is aged between 16-19 (my target audience), it allows the reader to emphasize with the model, as they are approximately the same age thus they are able to relate to each other. By separating the image and the text it allows the reader to focus on one thing or the other. For my double page spread I have used someone from a different ethnic background, this shows the diversity within a magazine and promote multi cultural aspect to my magazine. On the right hand side of my double page spread, I have display an interview with the artist (model). I think this is conventional because many another double page spread (music magazine) interviews famous band/artist. Anther why I think this is conational because I have structured the article in a way that most magazines would do though the usage of column. My title on the double page spared (lighten up…) is significant so I have changed the font as well as the positioning to make it stands out for the rest of the text. This makes it conventional because the title on double page spread (music magazine) are usually unique and bigger font, so it will stand out. To improve my double page spread I would like to add in pull quote because it would attract the attention of the audience as it uses a quote to emphasize the page’s context. The other way to improve my magazine will be to add logo of my music magazine as some other famous magazine has place the logo to notify what magazine they are reading.

In term of colors, I have chosen the main colour: dark sea blue colour, white, black and light blue. This is because relating back to my questionnaire; the most favorite colour chosen was blue. I have chosen to experiment with the colour blue as I think it would be unique, as I have chosen to use darker shade of blue for front cover and content page. However, for my double page spread, I have chosen a lighter shade of blue because I personally think that the double page spread should be unique in comparison to my front cover and contents page. This is because I personally think that the double page spread is the most important page, which everyone would be looking forward to read. I think it would be surprising if I were to change the shade of colour. By changing the shade of colour it also changes the atmosphere from a dark colour, which represent power, integrity and seriousness to light colour, which represents tranquility, understanding and softness. I have used the colour blue to represent the male audience so they would be attracted to the magazine.



For my front cover I have used a specific font that would attract the audience, this goes well with the main image, as it is simple look yet sophisticated. I have name my magazine ‘reverse’ because it has some extent of history of music. For this task I have experimented with the font styles; comparing different type of font on ‘Dafont.com’. I have chosen this font as I do not want it to be complex, I find this quite conventional because other music magazines keep it simple too. On the left, I’ve presented a few fonts styles that I have compared I personally think that the first font is elegant, which I think this font is no suitable for rock magazine as elegance is quite complimentary with classical music .The second and the third front is too bold as it covers my model’s face thus I have chosen a font that does not do so. To conclude, I decided to choose another font due to the fact that these three front do not actually meet the requirement of my genre as well as my image of the front cover do not go well with each other.




Main Image on double page spread

I have used a full body shot for the main image because I think that the audience will have more wider view of the artist.

-I used the guitar to make the page look more associate to the music.

-Necklace in gold chain is giving a feeling of fashionable and chain is associate with the rock music.

-The sleeves of the top is rolled up to give a casual and manly look, which gives a sense of R&B.

-Ripped jean can represents a masculine look, which this is challenge the stereotype of woman.