Evaluation forms and conventions of media texts


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Evaluation- Forms and conventions of Media

TextsBy Danny Watts

Camera Shots In order to keep to the Horror aspect of our opening

sequence the use of Camera shot was key. Below are a list of camera shot we used and why:

Long Shot- We used this shot to show the setting of the area where the opening sequence will begin. The panning shot of the dark night helped to add tension to the film, already showing how the genre is a Horror.

Medium shot- This shot was used to introduce and show the characters, to identify to the viewer that this is an important and key character.

Full shot- This shot was used on the Antagonist to show his full frame, making him look more sinister. This shot was also used when the two girls were tied up, to fully show the venerable position hat they were in.

Extreme close up- This shot was used to show the face of the dead drunk teenager, so that the viewer could see close up that he was in fact dead.

Close up- This shot was also used when the Antagonist was sawing off the teenagers to draw the viewers attention to the gore aspect of the Horror sub- genre.

Cut away shot- This was the final shot used just as the antagonist is about to harm one of the girls, there is a scream heard, and there is a cut to the title sequence, reliving the viewers tension.

Camera angles High angle shot- This angle was used when the

girls were tied up by the Antagonist to show how they were in a weak and venerable position, as the camera was looking down on them. This angle was also used when the dead teenager was lying on the ground. Once again this was used to show how the teenager was in a venerable position and was in danger of the antagonist. Once more this angle is used when the protagonist Lily is on her own crying and venerable as she is crouched and low to he ground .This angle is commonly seen in most Horror films which is why our group wanted to include it.

Low angle shot- This angle was also used when the group of girls come around the corner and see the antagonist sawing off the teenagers arm. This was done to show how the girls were in a more powerful position to the antagonist, until the next shot when they were chased by him on an equal level.

Sound The use of non-diagetic sound is key through out all Horror

sub- genre films as it adds suspense and tension for the viewer. Our use of non- diagectic sound is used through out the film.

Beginning- At the beginning of the film the sound used is more calm, until the drunk teenager passes out on the ground when the dead heart beat sound comes in, when it becomes more tense.

Middle – When the antagonist is caught by the group of girls the sound slowly builds up, creating suspense for the build up of the chase scene. The sound slowly decreases in tension, as it appears that Lily has managed to escape.

End- Finally the music rapidly increases, adding tension, as it is revealed that the other two girls were captured by the antagonist and are in his “torture” room. The scene cuts to the titles, as a

scream is heard suggesting that the antagonist has done something to the girls.

Mise-en-Scene Mise- en- scene is another key aspect used within our opening

sequence, that is used in all films in general. Sound is not included in this slide as it has already been covered in the previous one.

Space- This aspect was used in the final scene to show the small, tight and dangerous position the girls were in on the final scene as they were closely huddled together. This idea of space was also used when Lily was on her own and the camera was a fair distance away from her to show how there was no one the to help her and she truly was all on her own.

Costume- This was another element that was used, to reflect on the age group of the actors. By this I mean that the clothing was casual, thus reflecting on our teenage target audience, to make them relate to the characters more. The use of dark clothing on the antagonist was used to give him a more sinister, mysterious and “darker” feel.

Lighting- There was a high amount of low key lighting through out our film, especially around the antagonist, to create tension and add an element of mystery.

Setting- Our film was set in an urban environment, to set the street feel that we wanted to create as are target audience is from the city (urban) areas of London.

Narrative The narrative of our opening sequence

does follow a typical Horror narrative. For instance there is an element of gore within our film, when the teenagers arm is cut off. The film also follows the basic binary structure of the ethnic female minorities being captured by a strong white male antagonist. This follows a typical Thriller narrative as our film is suggesting that the majority whit race is strong then the “weaker” minority race. There is also a suggestion of the “final girl” seen in many other horror film narratives, as Lily escaped the antagonist.

Challenges to the Genre Overall I feel that our opening sequence does keep to

the genre of Thriller and horror films. For instance, gender is also shown in our Thriller opening sequence as the male protagonist captures the "weak" and "venerable" female characters. This is therefore showing how the female ethnic minorities are weaker then men as the ethnic majority, white British man is shown to be in a stronger position of power, than the female characters.

However our opening sequence does challenge the genre of Thriller and Horror films films. For instance if the male antagonist character was really that powerful and strong, as common male characters are perceived, then surely he would have managed to capture all three female characters. Therefore the protagonist Lily is put into a position of power as she escaped the antagonist, suggesting that she has power, over the male antagonist, unlike other female characters in Thriller films.