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Question 7;

Importance of the title of the magazine; in my

preliminary exercise, the name of the magazine was in a

‘flimsy’ font which did not stand off the page very well.

Since then I have learnt that a much bolder font is need,

something that stands of the page.

Fonts; another big thing that has changed over the two

pieces of production is the fonts used, not only the fonts

but the layout of the typography and the size of them.

All fonts must be in proportion to the page so they do

not over power the main image, such as the date on my

prelim exercise. It is also crucial for the fonts to be the

correct colour. This is needed for the text to be readable

and still fit into the overall colour scheme of the


Cover lines; in my preliminary task, I did not use a main

cover line; this is a must in a music magazine. The main

cover line describes and accompanies the main image.

The size of the cover lines on my old work is too big and

does not have a professional look.

Imagery;the front image of a magazine is possibly the

most important factor. It is important that the image has

a direct address with the audience, in this case, looking

and point a guitar at the audience. On the prelim task,

the guy in the picture is not looking straight out, and

therefore does not have the same effect. Also, the

barcode was way too big on my first piece of work, it

took away some of the main pictures emphasis and

looked out of place.

Importance of the pictures; although on my original

contents page, had relevant images, the layout of them did

not look professional. The layout just looked wrong and the

pictures were not evenly spaced like in my latest work. In

my actual work, the pictures are relevant to the magazine,

evenly spaced and have an overall professional look.

Magazine contents;In my prelim task there was nowhere

near enough articles within the magazine. There was also no

description about the article. This is a typical feature of

magazines as it tells the reader exactly what the audience is

about. Also, the writing was too big, it took all the emphasis

away from the pictures and title of the page.

Title;on my preliminary task, the title of the page didn’t

really have any impact. This is because the font was the

same size as the other text on the page and didn’t really add

anything to the page. Meanwhile in my actual production

work, the title banner contains more information. Not only

telling the reader what page it is, but it also contains the

logo, the date of the magazine and the issue number,

making it a much more productive use of space on my page.

Colours; in my prelim take the colours on the page did not

really work very well. But in my latest task, I spent time

trying to get the balance of colours right; this is because it

had to represent the magazine (colour scheme) but also still

look good. I do not feel that was achieved on my previous

work but I did on my actual work.
