Evaluation 5


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For my film opening, I had to think about elements that would make my film successful. I thought that the use of a cut between the protagonist and the shots of the images on the wall gave the audience a clear sense of the genre and allowed them to understand what I was trying to create through the use of my shots. Another factor that I believed would make my film successful is the music as the dark elements of my film opening needed to be accompanied by music of a similar genre to enhance the atmosphere and further reinforce elements of mystery.

Similarities to other film openings

My film and Se7en share a similarity as they both can be identified as a thriller/horror genre due to their non diegetic soundtrack. They both represent the same mood and tone as both the opening scenes foreshadow a dark and disturbing subject matter.There were many close ups in the opening scene of Se7en such as the cutting of the skin on the mans fingers. This creates a senses of intimacy with the audience as well as making them feel queasy at the fact that the man is doing this. In my film I did close ups of the victim of the serial killers images as I wanted to also create a sense of intimacy and also a sense of sympathy from the audience for the victim. I also created a queasy atmosphere similar, but not as extreme, as Se7en as I also did close ups of uncomfortable images such as a heart.

Unique Selling point of the film

I believe the USP of my film is the plot as it is based, loosely, on real life events and also based on one of the first serial killers in America, H.H.Holmes but in a modern setting. I believe this would intrigue history fanatics and the fact that even the title of the film is named after the place in which he killed his victims makes it even more scary as well as giving the film a darker and twisted mood as the audience know that its based on real life events.