Evaluation 4


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The audience for Violet Noise females and males aged 16-25. This is because the females in my audience are more likely to be attracted to the styling, article/ interview and the colour scheme of the magazine. Whereas males in the audience may be more attracted to the image on the cover of the magazine and the artist herself and her music.

People will buy my magazine would buy my magazine as it is targeted at young adults and teenagers, who are interested in listening to music, attending live music events such as concerts and festivals, shopping, photography, films, fashion and social media. They enjoy shopping at high street shops such as Topshop, Urban Outfitters and Asos. I think people will buy my magazine as it is intended for males and females, it will contain modern and relevant artists and bands, it will also have Festival and Trends segments and will be available in stores such as HMV. This magazine is targeted at females and males, however the colour palette may appeal more to females than it would males as it is mostly bright pop colours. This magazine is suitable to those who like modern and up-to-date artists and festival information and trends within the music industry. From the audience research I carried out, I have found out that my magazine would be mostly suited to ‘Trendies’ and ‘Townie’ tribes as these are both part of the mainstream group which are influenced by the latest fashion, trends and music. Violet Noise would be appropriate for them as the magazine contains trends, festival information and music artists and events. ‘Trendies’ love fashion and the next big trend. They will like my magazine as it is up-to-date and fresh with modern artists and interesting photography. ‘Townies’ are also a suitable audience for my magazine as they are influenced by Pop music, fashion and the next ‘big thing’. I believe that people within this category will also cross over and fit into other tribes too. This is useful as people who do not identify as a ‘Townie’ or ‘Trendie’ can still enjoy and read the magazine, if they are interested in the Indie Pop genre. ‘Scenesters’ are more alternative or Indie than my magazine is, however, they may enjoy the magazine, or parts of it, as it is Indie and has an Indie theme, although it is heavily Pop themed. Some of the traits of ‘Scenesters’ include being hipsters, and enjoying things before they become a thing of ‘now’.

 My audience profile is females and males aged from 16-25. Their interests include listening to music, attending live music events such as concerts and festivals, shopping, film, photography, social media and keeping up-to-date with fashion trends. They specifically like to shop Asos, Topshop and Urban Outfitters and would like to see other information such as live music information, fashion trends and backstage information featured in the magazine. 

Who would be the audience for your media product?