#Etmooc connected learning



Slides used to facilitated the Introduction to Connected Learning session in #etmooc (http://etmooc.org). Supporting resources found at: http://bit.ly/Xv3R3P

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Connected Learning

#etmooc - January 20 - February 2, 2013


memories of media past

what are your memories of(media, information, educational) technology?










Wealth of Human Knowledge



atoms <-----> bits scarcity <-----> abundance

consuming <-----> creating individuals <-----> networks control <-----> freedom

significant shifts


"To immortalize this moment ... the girl seems to forget the original pleasure."

(making sense of)

connected learning

how should we, as teachers and learners, respond to this highly connected, information-rich reality?


Free & Open Source

“given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow”

(Linus’ Law, Raymond 1997)

How Knowledge is Controlled

human thought/ideas

human language

high-level language(e.g. C++, Java, PERL)

low-level language(assembly language)

machine code(binary)

source code

code irretrievable



“it’s about overcoming the inner 2 year old in

you that screams mine, mine, it’s mine.”

(Wiley, TEDxNYED, 2010)

On Sharing ...

“Open source software communities are one of the most

successful -- and least understood -- examples of high performance collaboration and

community building on the Internet today.”

(Kim, 2003)

Leveraging Networks

Networked Affordances

Social Networking Services

Six Degrees of Separation“the idea that everyone is on average six steps away, by way of introduction, from

another person in the world.”

Strength of Weak Ties“There is strength in weak ties. Our

acquaintances, not our friends, are potentially our greatest source of new ideas and

information.” (paraphrased from Gladwell, 2010)

Where Good Ideas Come From“The trick to having good ideas is not to sit

around in glorious isolation and try to think big thoughts. The trick is to get more parts on the

table.” (Steven Johnson, 2010)

“Chance favors the connected mind” ~ Stephen Johnson



networks1. as mechanisms: enable communication &

collaboration in ways that were once impossible.

2. for inspiration: connect us to new ideas & expand our thinking & potential for innovation.

* ‘us’ meaning those who are increasingly literate

Leveraging Networks

“For Unleashing the Ideavirus, Godin released the entire eBook on the Internet for free, which led to eventual publishing deals in 41 countries and a public speaking career.”

“... it would be an album only heard by playing the songs.”


“the song intentionally lacked a copyright so that people would be encouraged to create their

own online parodies, in essence their own "XYZ Style"”


what is a PLN?

“A key to transformation is for the teaching profession to establish innovation networks that capture the spirit and culture of hackers -

the passion, the can-do, collective sharing.”

~ Hargreaves, 2003

see: “Principles of Connectivism”




Stylianos Mystikidas

Michael Paskevicius


“A rhizomatic plant has no centre and no defined boundary; rather, it is made up of a number of semi-

independent nodes, each of which is capable of growing and spreading on its own, bounded only by

the limits of its habitat. (~Dave Cormier)

social learning


Group growth


Individual growth


Social Learning

shifts in edtech

“To answer your question, I did use Youtube to learn how to dance. I

consider it my ‘main’ teacher.”

“10 years ago, street dance was very exclusive, especially rare dances like popping

(the one I teach and do). You either had to learn it from a friend that knew it or get VHS

tapes which were hard to get. Now with Youtube, anyone, anywhere in the world can

learn previously ‘exclusive’ dance styles.”

George Siemens

• “Informal learning is a significant aspect of our learning experience. Formal education no longer comprises the majority of our learning.”

Informal Learning


“A New Culture of Learning”


• “The new culture of learning actually comprises two elements. The first is a massive information network that provides almost unlimited and resources to learn about anything. The second is a bounded and structured environment that allows unlimited agency to build and experiment with things within those boundaries.” (2011)

concluding thoughts

(Joichi Ito)


“The developed world is in the midst of a paradigm shift both in the ways in

which people and institutions are connected.

It is a shift from being bound up in homogenous “little boxes” to surfing life through diffuse, variegated

social networks.” (2002)

blog fodder

Thinking Points•What does my PLE/PLN look like? How can I share it?

•How important is connected learning? Why?

•Is it possible for our classrooms and institutions to support this kind of learning? If so, how?

•What skills and literacies are necessary for connected learning? How do we develop these?

•What are limits of openness in regards to privacy & vulnerability? Are we creating or worsening a digital divide?

•How do we expand this conversation?

•Your questions?

join me in the the first ever

MOOC-enabledlip dub?

song nominations?




“Don’t limit a child to your own learning, for he was born

in another time.” ~Tagore
